Re: Query on generation of mo files

[I did not click on "reply to all" for this reply, so I am sending to list for reference].

I think I understand. Your issue is with packages that do not have nepali .mo translations,
so you cannot overwrite the exist .mo file and be sure it works.

A very non-technical way to find out the exact name of the .mo file is to see how existing
.mo files from other languages look like. For example, see Spanish ("es") or German ("de") in their
respective directories. It would be exactly the same filename.

Alternatively, does "apt-get" allow you to view the files included in package?
For RPM you type "rpm -ql gnomemeeting" and you can see the contained filenames.

A bit more technical way to identify the name would be to use "strace". "strace" allows you to spy
on the system calls an application is making, so in this case you can vividly see what .mo file an application
is trying to open.
First verify that the "strace" package is installed.
Then, run "strace -o output.txt gnomemeeting". Subsequently exit gnomemeeting and run "grep '^open' output.txt".
This will show you the full list of files that gnome-meeting tries to open, including the .mo filename.

Simos Xenitellis wrote:

Paras pradhan wrote:

hi all,

Got a question on naming of mo files to be generated from po files of
gnome 2.10 and newer.

I will take an example of gnomemeeting.

At the l10n-status site

the name of gnomemeeting po file is now
if i want to generate the mo file, what should the mo file be named.
is it or or any

how do i decide the names of the mo files?.

It depends on what you want to do, though in most cases it is
If you are compiling from source or CVS, the Makefile will setup the names accordingly and place the files with
the correct names under the /usr/share/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/ (or /usr/local/share/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/ directory).
The same Makefile instructs the binary gnomemeeting of what to look to find the .mo file.

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