Mistranslations in gtk

We received a bug about translations in gtk today:


It complains about mistranslations of the single instance of a message
with a prefix (using the Q_() macro). I have added a comment next to
the message now, which will hopefully end up in the pot, but I thought
it would be good to remind you that in a message like the following:

progress bar label|%d %%

the part before the | is likely a prefix that is only added to make the
msgid more unique. If in doubt, check if the source code uses Q_(). If
it does, the translation should only contain the part after the |.

Would it be useful to come up with a convention to make these cases
more obvious in the pot files ? Would e.g.

[progress bar label]|%d %% 

have prevented the mistranslations ? 

Or should I always add a comment like 

/* translators, don't translate the part before the | */


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