Re: German "Umlaute" in xmms


On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 06:51:14PM +0100, chrille wrote:
> can anybody tell me what I have to do to see the german fonts eg. ü,ö,ü,ß  ?
> The app xmms doesn´t show it correctly.

xmms still uses gtk1, which means that the display of the interface
text strongly depends on the locale, and on a proper setup of X11

see what charset encoding you are using, with the "locale charmap"
command on an xterm (that is for a glibc-based system),
if if says ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 or UTF-8, that's good, if not,
you have firts to setup your locale properly.

Then, provided that you have a proper /etc/gtk/gtkrc.* file the menus
and dialogs should display fine.

If your problem is not with the program interface but with the song
titles... it's a mess.
MP3 format didn't define the encoding to use, so there are around files
using various different encodings; plus the xmms program in the first
versions only supported ascii for displaying titles; various patches
have been done to improve that, and with an xmms version including all
the nice patches, you have to go to preferences->fonts/encodings
to define the various fonts to use (clicking on "use fontsets" is a good
idea if you are on an utf-8 locale), click on "use X font" if you want
an X11 font to be used for the small display on the main window (I don't
know if the builtin font has german letters).

In the "encodings" tab you can play with the variables if your mp3
have their titles encoded differently than the locale you are using;
the choices are limited, and not very suitable for German, but probably
choosing an Eastern European language written in latin alphabet could give 
good enough results.

Of course, what is needed is for xmms to switch to gtk2, and things
will be much easier, and a lot of languages currently unsupported will
be possible.

Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga		PGP Key available, key ID: 0xD9B85466
[you can write me in Walloon, Spanish, French, English, Catalan or Esperanto]
[min povas skribi en valona, esperanta, angla aux latinidaj lingvoj]

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