Re: On translation regressions due to dependencies

> > In the short term, I think the battle is lost for GNOME 2.8. Even if we
> > had 88 fd.o translator CVS accounts ready tomorrow, there's too little
> > time left to the GNOME 2.8 release to expect any comparable translation
> > coverage like we had before. While some translators work day and night,
> > usually need a lot more time to get some spare time aside to do some
> > translation work, so there is often a significant delay in the process.
> Obviamente isto não vai acontecer para pt_PT, pq tens o nosso apoio se for
> preciso.
> Queres combinar um café esta semana, também com o Zé, para falarmos de
> problemas comuns?

Que bom ver texto em português nessa lista. Eu não sabia que a gente podia
escrever no nosso idioma aqui. :-P

De qualquer forma, parabéns pelo erro (se é que foi isso), Pedro.

ENGLISH: It's very good to see text in Portuguese in this list. I didn't
knew we could write in our language here. :-P

Anyway, congratulations for the mistake (if it was really a mistake), Pedro.

Raphael Higino

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