Guikachu branches

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I see a lot of translation commits to the "guikachu-gnome_2-branch" branch
of Guikachu. I wonder how many of you know anythign about the roadmap of
this branch, so I thought I should clarify.
Guikachu is currently actively developed in the 1.3 series. This is an
"unstable" series in the sense that stuff that worked rock-solid in 1.2
may break between releases, and once there even was a 1.3 release that
saved files from previous versions wrongly, so that you couldn't re-load
However, as most of the new features that were planned for the eventual
1.4 release have been implemented, it will shortly (after a couple more
regular releases) enter a stabilizational cycle. This will also mean a
string freeze, of course, of which I will notify this list in time.

Now comes the important part. All of the development I've talked about
above occurs in the HEAD branch. Which is GNOME 1-based. Yet most of the
new translations get added to the GNOME 2 branch. Which is not going to be
released in the near future. My current plan is to move to GNOME 2 after
1.4 is released, which means your translations will probably not be seen
by the general public until 1.6 (or 2.0 or whatever the after-the-next
release is going to be called), which I wouldn't be surprised if happened
no sooner than 2005...

So the short summary is this: You're free to keep adding your translations
to the GNOME2 branch, but don't expect it to show up in releases in the
near future. I suggest adding/updating the translations in HEAD instead.


   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `---= =---'
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