Re: String Freeze breakage

tis 2004-02-24 klockan 08.20 skrev Ted Gould:
> I'm very, very sorry - I have two string freeze breakages.  But, I think
> that they are both important.

People usually think that -- what's more interesting is hearing *why*
they're being considered important enough to break the freeze(s).

> Here they are:
> Adding a11y to the GNOME mixer:

This was indeed a freeze breakage, as it was committed without approval
and notice. I think the cat is out of the bag on this one though, and
a11y of course isn't unimportant either. But please follow in
the future!

> Adding an overwrite dialog for GNOME recorder:

This wasn't a freeze breakage as it was approved before it went in, at
least by the i18n team.

> I again apologize, thank you for all your hard work - sorry for making
> your job a little bit harder.

It's not "a little bit" harder. String freeze is crucial in order to
give translators a chance of producing a fully translated desktop in as
many languages as possible, and at this time there are so many string
change requests and freeze breakages that it's very hard to keep track
of them for most people, even though several weeks have passed since we
entered a point where there shouldn't even be any more of those.


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