Re: RFC: Source string editing

Today at 12:37, Telsa Gwynne wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 04:48:45PM -0500 or thereabouts, Adam Weinberger wrote:
>> I'd be interested in seeing how many module maintainers would like to 
>> give blanket approval to the GTP to edit strings to fix spelling and 
>> simple grammar errors. Presence of a README.strings or something to that 
>> effect could mean a green-light to the GTP to fix small errors as they 
>> crop up.
> Likewise. Anyone who has filed more than a few bugs on strings will
> know what a pest it is. I thought I was doing well on that; and then
> I discovered how many Christian had filed. Ouch.

Christian's out of contention.  I'm bad at it though: I have a bunch
of '# bug:'-marked strings in my translations which indicate bugs or
unclear text in original strings.  I should improve.  A New Year's

> There are strings which need some discussion before changing, and 
> those should go into Bugzilla. And there are strings which might have
> typos, but it is not clear. And those should go into Bugzilla. But it 
> seems silly to generate at least four new bug-emails (open, status,
> developer confirms, someone fixes and closes) just to change to/too,
> lose/loose, and so on. Same goes for tidying up commas and apostrophes.

I agree to. Uhm, I agree *too*! :-)


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