Re: gnome-menu

mån 2004-11-29 klockan 00:17 +0800 skrev Hasbullah Bin Pit:
> When I build gnome 2.9.x using jhbuild, I found that the main menu
> is unstranslated.
> After investigated for a while, I found that it's using "gnome-menu" for
> it's menu, is it officially for gnome 2.9.x to use gnome-menu?
> If yes, i think translator should be informed to translated it & include
> it at status page.

No new modules have been formally accepted into GNOME 2.9/2.10 yet. See
the schedule and list of proposed modules at .
Thus, we wouldn't be telling the truth if we added it to the desktop
section yet -- any of these proposed modules may or may not be added. We
don't know for sure until the final decision is announced.

But I plan to add a "proposed" section to the 2.10 status pages soon, so
that translators can easily see and translate the modules have been
proposed (and that are hosted in GNOME CVS).


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