Menu translations (in Gnumeric and elsewhere)

I added code to Gnumeric to check that menu keys (as displayed underlined
in menus) are unique in all menus.  A quick check reveals that translators
need to be much more aware of this problem.

If you want to lift the code for other projects, it is in function
check_underlines in file gnumeric/src/wbc-gtk.c

Translators: please locate your language below and see if you can make things
unique.  Apologies for the question marks here -- my terminal in not in UTF-8



(gnumeric:10117): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10128): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_Fayl' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_A?' and `?_ap Et'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_Fayl' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_F?rqli Qeyd Et' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt->_T?mizl?' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Co_mments' and `_M?zmun'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_T?krarla' and `_T?mizl?'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt' menu, the key `s' is used for both `K?_s' and `_Sil'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt->S_heet' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Daxil Et' and `_Duplicate'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt' menu, the key `s' is used for both `K?_s' and `_Se?'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `_D?z?lt' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Geri Al' and `_Goto cell...'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_D?z?lt' and `_Daxil Et'.

** (gnumeric:10128): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_D?z?lt' and `_Data'.

(gnumeric:10160): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_ze' is used for both `_???????' and `_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_en' is used for both `_???' and `_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_en' is used for both `_?????' and `_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_i' is used for both `_???????' and `?_???'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_i' is used for both `_???????' and `_?????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_ze' is used for both `?_???????' and `_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_??????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_el' is used for both `?_?????...' and `_????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_??????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_ka' is used for both `_??????' and `_????????...'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `????_??->?_?????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_es' is used for both `_??????' and `_?????????? ??????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `????_??->_???' menu, the key `Cyrillic_es' is used for both `_??????' and `_?????????? ????????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `????_??' menu, the key `Cyrillic_er' is used for both `_???' and `_??????? ?????...'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `_?????->????? ? ?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_de' is used for both `????????? _????' and `????????? ? _?????'.

** (gnumeric:10160): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `Cyrillic_pe' is used for both `_???????' and `_?????'.

(gnumeric:10163): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Fitxer' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Desa' and `Sen_d To...'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Fitxer' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Propie_tats...' and `_Tanca'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Edita->F_ull' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Administra els Fulls...' and `_Append'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Edita' menu, the key `u' is used for both `S_uprimeix' and `F_ull'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Edita' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Suprimeix' and `_Selecciona'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Insereix' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Files' and `_Full'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Insereix->E_special' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Dades _actuals' and `Hora _actual'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->C_olumna' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Amplada...' and `_Ajusta autom?ticament la selecci?'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->C_olumna' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Amplada...' and `_Amplada patr?'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Fila' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Al?ada...' and `_Ajusta autom?ticament la selecci?'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Fila' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Al?ada...' and `_Al?ada patr?'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Full' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Mostra les _f?rmules' and `Oculta les Cap?aleres de les _Files'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Fila' and `_Full'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Fila' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Eines' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Connectors...' and `_Corregeix autom?ticament...'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Edita' and `_Eines'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Dades->_Fitxer' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Afegeix _Auto filtre' and `Filtre _avan?at...'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Dades->_Grup i Contorn' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Amaga el Detall' and `_Agrupa...'.

** (gnumeric:10163): WARNING **: In the `_Dades->_Grup i Contorn' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Desagrupa...' and `Contorns _Dreta'.

(gnumeric:10193): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Soubor' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Nastaven? s_tr?nky...' and `_Tisk'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `?_pravy' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vyjmout' and `_Vymazat'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `?_pravy' menu, the key `o' is used for both `Zn_ovu' and `_Odstranit'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `?_pravy->_List' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_P?ipojit' and `_P?ejmenovat'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `?_pravy' menu, the key `l' is used for both `V_lo?it' and `_List'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `?_pravy' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vyjmout' and `_Vybrat'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Form?t->_Sloupec' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skr?t' and `_Standardn? ???ka'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Form?t->??_dek' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skr?t' and `_Standardn? v??ka'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Form?t' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sloupec' and `Li_st'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Form?t' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sloupec' and `_Se?it...'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->Statistick? ana_l?za' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Popisn? statistika...' and `Rozlo?en? a _percentily...'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->Statistick? ana_l?za' menu, the key `v' is used for both `Ko_variance...' and `_Vzorkov?n?...'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje' menu, the key `l' is used for both `?e?ite_l...' and `Statistick? ana_l?za'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Data->_Skupiny a p?ehledy' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skr?t podrobnosti' and `Zobrazit podrobno_sti'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Data->_Skupiny a p?ehledy' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skr?t podrobnosti' and `_Seskupit...'.

** (gnumeric:10193): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Set??dit...' and `_Skupiny a p?ehledy'.

(gnumeric:10194): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `_Fil' menu, the key `u' is used for both `Page Set_up...' and `_Udskriv'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `R_edig?r' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Avanceret inds?tning...' and `_Ark'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `R_edig?r->_Mark?r' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Mark?r _alt' and `Mark?r _afh?ngige'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `R_edig?r' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Co_mment...' and `_Mark?r'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `R_edig?r' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gentag' and `_G? til celle...'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `_Inds?t' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Ark' and `_Andet'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat?r->_Kolonne' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skjul' and `_Standardbredde'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat?r->_R?kke' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skjul' and `_Standardh?jde'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat?r->_Ark' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Re_name' and `Skjul _nuller'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `_V?rkt?j' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_M?ls?gning...' and `Si_mulation...'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vis' and `_V?rkt?j'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Filter' and `_Foren data...'.

** (gnumeric:10194): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gyldighedskontrol...' and `_Grupper og omrids'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Datei' menu, the key `v' is used for both `Druck_vorschau' and `_Verschicken an...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Datei' menu, the key `f' is used for both `?_ffnen' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Bearbeiten' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Leeren' and `_L?schen'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Bearbeiten' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kopieren' and `_Kommentar...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Bearbeiten->_Blatt' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Einf?gen' and `_Entfernen'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Bearbeiten->_F?llen' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zusammenf?hren...' and `_Zufallsgenerator...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Einf?gen' menu, the key `b' is used for both `_Blatt' and `_Bild...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Format->_Zeile' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_H?he...' and `_Hervorholen'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Format' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zellen...' and `_Zeile'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Format->_Blatt' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Umbe_nennen' and `_Nullen verbergen'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Werkzeuge' menu, the key `s' is used for both `Auto-_Speichern...' and `_Szenarien'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `_Werkzeuge->Statistische Anal_yse' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Varianzanalyse' and `Ko_varianz...'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `Da_ten->_Gruppierung und Umrisse' menu, the key `u' is used for both `Gr_uppierung aufheben...' and `_Umrisse anzeigen'.

** (gnumeric:10195): WARNING **: In the `Da_ten->_Gruppierung und Umrisse' menu, the key `u' is used for both `Gr_uppierung aufheben...' and `Umriss _Unten'.

(gnumeric:10196): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10198): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????' menu, the key `Greek_alpha' is used for both `_????????' and `_??????? ?????????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????' menu, the key `Greek_alpha' is used for both `_????????' and `_?????????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????' menu, the key `Greek_delta' is used for both `??_???? ??????????...' and `_????????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????->_?????' menu, the key `Greek_delta' is used for both `_?????????? ??????..' and `_????????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????->_???????' menu, the key `Greek_lamda' is used for both `??????? ?_???' and `??????? ???_???'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????' menu, the key `Greek_epsilon' is used for both `_??????????' and `_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `??_??????' menu, the key `Greek_epsilon' is used for both `?_????...' and `_??????...'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????->???_??' menu, the key `Greek_psi' is used for both `?_???...' and `??????_??'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????????->_?????' menu, the key `Greek_delta' is used for both `_?????????? ??????..' and `???????? ??_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `????_????->Sce_narios' menu, the key `Greek_pi' is used for both `_???????...' and `_????????...'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Greek_xi' is used for both `??_????????...' and `???? ?_????????? ?????????'.

** (gnumeric:10198): WARNING **: In the `_???????' menu, the key `Greek_pi' is used for both `_???????????' and `_????'.

(gnumeric:10199): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Archivo' menu, the key `v' is used for both `Vista pre_via' and `En_viar a...'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Archivo' menu, the key `c' is used for both `Guardar _como' and `_Cerrar'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Editar->_Llenar' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Llenado _autom?tico' and `Generaci?n de n?meros _aleatorios...'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Editar' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Limpiar' and `_Llenar'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Insertar' menu, the key `e' is used for both `Hiper_enlace...' and `_Especial'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Formato->_Hoja' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Ad_ministrar hojas...' and `_Mostrar f?rmulas'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Formato' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Fila' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Herramientas->An?l_isis estad?stico' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Pronosticar' and `Rangos y _percentiles...'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Herramientas->An?l_isis estad?stico' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Muestreo...' and `Dos _medias'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Herramientas->An?l_isis estad?stico' menu, the key `d' is used for both `Estad?stica _descriptiva...' and `_Dos varianzas: F-Test...'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `_Datos->_Agrupar y esquema' menu, the key `o' is used for both `_Ocultar detalles' and `Mostrar c_ontornos'.

** (gnumeric:10199): WARNING **: In the `A_yuda' menu, the key `c' is used for both `?ndi_ce' and `A_cerca de...'.

(gnumeric:10200): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Fail' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Uus' and `Page Set_up...'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Fail' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Salvesta' and `_Sulge'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Aseta' and `_Aseta valikuliselt'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Unusta' and `P_uhasta'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kopeeri' and `_Kustuta'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine->_Vali' menu, the key `i' is used for both `Vali maatr_iks' and `Select _Inputs'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine->_T?ida' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Automaat_t?itmine' and `_Tabulate Dependency...'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Redigeerimine' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Co_mment...' and `_Mine lahtrisse...'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Vaade' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Suurenda...' and `View _Standard Toolbar'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Lisa' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Leht' and `Hyper_link...'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `_Lisa' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Read' and `E_ri'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `V_ormindamine->_Leht' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Re_name' and `Peida _nullid'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `V_ormindamine->_Leht' menu, the key `v' is used for both `N?ita _valemeid' and `Peida _veergude p?ised'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `V_ormindamine' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lahtrid...' and `_Leht'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `V_ormindamine' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Rida' and `_Raamat...'.

** (gnumeric:10200): WARNING **: In the `An_dmed->_Grupeeri ja too v?lja' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Grupeeri...' and `N?ita _gruppe'.

(gnumeric:10205): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Tiedosto' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Uusi' and `Page Set_up...'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Tiedosto' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tallenna' and `Proper_ties...'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Muokkaa->_Tyhjenn?' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kaikki' and `_Kommentit'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Muokkaa' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tee uudelleen' and `_Tyhjenn?'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Muokkaa' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Liit? _m??r?ten...' and `Co_mment...'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Muokkaa' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tee uudelleen' and `_Taulu'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Muokkaa' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tee uudelleen' and `_T?yt?'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_View' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Suurenna...' and `View _Standard Toolbar'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `M_uotoile' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Taulu' and `_Ty?kirja...'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `M_uotoile' menu, the key `a' is used for both `S_arake' and `_Automaattimuotoilu...'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tiedosto' and `_Ty?kalut'.

** (gnumeric:10205): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sort...' and `_Suodata'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Fichier' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Pre_ferences...' and `_Fermer'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_?dition' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Effacer' and `_Effacer'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_?dition' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Effacer' and `F_euille'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_?dition' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Refaire' and `_Remplir'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_?dition' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Coll_age sp?cial...' and `_Aller ? la cellule...'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Insertion' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lignes' and `Hyper_lien'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->C_olonne' menu, the key `a' is used for both `L_argeur automatique' and `_Afficher'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->C_olonne' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Largeur...' and `_Largeur standard'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->_Ligne' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_Hauteur...' and `Cac_her'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->_Ligne' menu, the key `a' is used for both `L_argeur automatique' and `_Afficher'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->_Ligne' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_Hauteur...' and `_Hauteur standard'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat->_Feuille' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_G?rer les feuilles...' and `Cacher les lignes de _grille'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Cellules...' and `_Classeur...'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `For_mat' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Feuille' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Outils->Anal_yse statistique' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Corr?lation ...' and `?_chantillonage ...'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Outils->Anal_yse statistique' menu, the key `d' is used for both `Statistiques _Descriptives ...' and `_Deux variances?: FTest...'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Donn?es->_Filtrer' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Ajouter un filtre _avanc?' and `_Afficher tout'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Donn?es' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Trier...' and `_Texte vers colonnes'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Donn?es->_Groupe et contour' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_D?grouper...' and `Contours ? _droite'.

** (gnumeric:10206): WARNING **: In the `_Aide' menu, the key `p' is used for both `Report a _Problem' and `? _propos...'.

(gnumeric:10207): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Comhad' menu, the key `d' is used for both `Sen_d To...' and `_D?n'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Eagar' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gearr' and `_Greamaigh'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Eagar' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Leas?' and `G_lan'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Eagar->_Dealaigh' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Columns' and `_Cill?...'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Eagar' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Leas?' and `_Leathanach'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Eagar' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gearr' and `_Goto cell...'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Insert' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Cill?...' and `_Columns'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Insert' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Leathanach' and `Hyper_link...'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Form?id->_Row' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Airde...' and `_Auto fit selection'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `_Form?id' menu, the key `o' is used for both `C_olumn' and `_Obairleabhar...'.

** (gnumeric:10207): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Comhad' and `_Cuidi?'.

(gnumeric:10208): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10208): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `e' is used for both `P_egar especial...' and `_Encher'.

** (gnumeric:10208): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->C_olumna' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Anchura...' and `_Auto fit selection'.

** (gnumeric:10208): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->_Ringleira' menu, the key `e' is used for both `H_eight...' and `Altura _Est?ndar'.

** (gnumeric:10208): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->_Folla' menu, the key `c' is used for both `Agochar _Ceros' and `Hide _Column Headers'.

** (gnumeric:10208): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Folla' and `Pre_ferences...'.

(gnumeric:10209): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_????' menu, the key `hebrew_pe' is used for both `_???' and `??_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `hebrew_bet' is used for both `_???' and `_??? ???'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `hebrew_dalet' is used for both `?_???' and `?_??? ?????....'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `hebrew_gimel' is used for both `_????' and `_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `hebrew_bet' is used for both `_???' and `_???'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `hebrew_mem' is used for both `_???' and `_???'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `_????' menu, the key `hebrew_taw' is used for both `_????...' and `_?????...'.

** (gnumeric:10209): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `hebrew_ayin' is used for both `_?????' and `_????'.

(gnumeric:10210): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10210): Gtk-WARNING **: Whoever translated default:LTR did so wrongly.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Datoteka' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Pregled prije ispisa' and `_Po?alji ...'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Datoteka' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Pregled prije ispisa' and `_Postavke...'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Datoteka' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zatvori' and `_Zavr?i'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi->O_bri?i' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sve' and `_Sadr?aj'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kopiraj' and `_Komentar...'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi->_List' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Upravljaj listovima...' and `_Ubaci'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi->_List' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Upravljaj listovima...' and `_Udvostru?i'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi->_List' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Upravljaj listovima...' and `_Ukloni'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi->_Odaberi' menu, the key `s' is used for both `Ozna?i _sve' and `Ozna?i _stupac'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi' menu, the key `o' is used for both `_Obri?i' and `_Odaberi'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Uredi' menu, the key `i' is used for both `_Ispuni' and `_Idi u ?eliju..'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Uredi' and `_Ubaci'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->S_tupac' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sakrij' and `_Standardna ?irina'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_List' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Sakrij _re?etku' and `Sakrij zaglavalja _redova'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `l' is used for both `?e_lije...' and `_List'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `o' is used for both `P_ogled' and `F_ormat'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka _analiza' menu, the key `o' is used for both `_Opisna statistika...' and `F_orecast'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka _analiza->Dva zna?enja' menu, the key `p' is used for both `U_pareni uzorci: t-test...' and `_Poznate varijance ili veliki uzorak: Z-Test'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `_Alati' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Automatsko spremanje..' and `Statisti?ka _analiza'.

** (gnumeric:10210): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Podaci' and `_Pomo?'.

(gnumeric:10214): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_F?jl' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Megnyit?s' and `_Ment?s'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_F?jl' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Men_t?s m?sk?nt' and `Proper_ties...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s' menu, the key `r' is used for both `?j_ra' and `Tartalom t?_rl?se'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_M?sol?s' and `Co_mment...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s->M_unkalap' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Munkalapok kezel?se...' and `_Megkett?z?s'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kiv?g?s' and `_Kijel?l?s'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kiv?g?s' and `_Kit?lt?s'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `S_zerkeszt?s' menu, the key `u' is used for both `M_unkalap' and `_Ugr?s...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_N?zet' menu, the key `n' is used for both `?j _n?zet...' and `_Nagy?t?s...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Besz?r?s' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sorok' and `_Speci?lis'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `Form?_tum->So_r' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Magass?g...' and `_Megmutat'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `Form?_tum->M_unkalap' menu, the key `n' is used for both `?t_nevez?s' and `_Null?k elrejt?se'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Eszk?z?k' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Megold?...' and `Szi_mul?ci?...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Eszk?z?k->_Adatelemz?s' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Varianciaanal?zis' and `Co_variance...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Eszk?z?k->_Adatelemz?s' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Mintav?telez?s...' and `Two _Means'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Eszk?z?k->_Adatelemz?s' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Korrel?ci?...' and `_K?tt?nyez?s: F-pr?ba...'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Eszk?z?k' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Automatikus ment?s' and `_Adatelemz?s'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Adat->_Group and Outline' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_R?szletek elrejt?se' and `Outlines _Right'.

** (gnumeric:10214): WARNING **: In the `_Adat' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Ellen?rz?s...' and `Get _External Data'.

(gnumeric:10221): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Annulla' and `Incoll_a speciale...'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Copia' and `_Cancella'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Edit->_Riempimento' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Auto_riempimento' and `_Random Generator...'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Ripeti' and `_Riempimento'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Inserisci' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Foglio' and `_Funzione'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `F_ormatta' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Celle...' and `_Cartella di lavoro...'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `F_ormatta' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Foglio' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10221): WARNING **: In the `_Tools' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Ricerca Obbiettivo...' and `_Risolutore...'.

(gnumeric:10241): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10241): WARNING **: In the `??(_E)' menu, the key `r' is used for both `????(_R)' and `???(_R)'.

** (gnumeric:10241): WARNING **: In the `???(_T)->??????(_Y)' menu, the key `o' is used for both `???(_O)...' and `??(_O)'.

(gnumeric:10243): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10253): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10253): WARNING **: In the `_File' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Druk?t' and `Sen_d To...'.

** (gnumeric:10253): WARNING **: In the `_File' menu, the key `v' is used for both `At_v?rt' and `Aiz_v?rt'.

** (gnumeric:10253): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Atsaukt' and `P_aste special...'.

** (gnumeric:10253): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `g' is used for both `Iz_griezt' and `_Goto cell...'.

** (gnumeric:10253): WARNING **: In the `_Insert' menu, the key `n' is used for both `??_nas...' and `_Names'.

(gnumeric:10291): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10291): Gtk-WARNING **: Whoever translated default:LTR did so wrongly.


(gnumeric:10308): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10308): Gtk-WARNING **: Whoever translated default:LTR did so wrongly.


(gnumeric:10309): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Fail' menu, the key `b' is used for both `_Buka' and `Pre_biu Cetakan'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Fail' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Cetak' and `_Ciri-ciri...'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Salin' and `Tepek i_stimewa'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Edit' menu, the key `p' is used for both `Te_pek' and `_Pilih'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `Sel_it' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_Helaian' and `C_hart...'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->K_olum' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lebar...' and `_Lebar Piawai'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Radas' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Plug-in' and `_Penyelesai...'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tapis' and `_Tentusah...'.

** (gnumeric:10309): WARNING **: In the `_Data' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tapis' and `_Text to Columns...'.

(gnumeric:10310): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Bestand' menu, the key `e' is used for both `Pagina Inst_ellingen...' and `_Eigenschappen...'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Bestand' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Pre_ferences...' and `A_fsluiten'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `Be_werken' menu, the key `p' is used for both `O_pnieuw' and `_Plakken'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `Be_werken->_Blad' menu, the key `n' is used for both `I_nvoegen' and `Her_noemen'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `Be_werken->_Vullen' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Samenvoegen...' and `_Series...'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `Be_werken' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Verwijderen' and `_Vullen'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `Beel_d' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Raam Vastzetten' and `View Fo_rmat Toolbar'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Opmaak->_Blad' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Her_noemen' and `Verberg _Nullen'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Opmaak->_Blad' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Verberg _Rasterlijnen' and `Verberg _Rij Koppen'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `E_xtra->_Statistische Analyses->Twee Ge_middelden:' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gekoppelde steekproeven: T-Test...' and `Niet gekoppelde steekproeven, _Gelijke Var.: T-Test'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `E_xtra' menu, the key `s' is used for both `Oplo_sser...' and `_Statistische Analyses'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Gegevens->_Filteren' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Auto-Filter toevoegen' and `_Alles weergeven'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Gegevens->_Groeperen en Outlines' menu, the key `o' is used for both `Groepering _opheffen...' and `_Outlines weergeven'.

** (gnumeric:10310): WARNING **: In the `_Hulp' menu, the key `i' is used for both `_Inhoud' and `_Info'.

(gnumeric:10311): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `_Fil' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lagra' and `_Lagra som'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `_Fil' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_F?rehandsvising av utskrift' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `_Fil' menu, the key `u' is used for both `Page Set_up...' and `L_ukk'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `R_ediger' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lim inn' and `_Lim inn spesiell ...'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `R_ediger' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Klipp u_t' and `_T?m'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `R_ediger' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Angra' and `_Ark'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `R_ediger->_Vel' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Vel _alt' and `Vel _avhengige'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `_Vis' menu, the key `o' is used for both `F_orst?rr ...' and `View _Object Toolbar'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Rad' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_H?gd ...' and `_Hent fram'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Ark' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Re_name' and `G?ym _nullar'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Ark' and `_Arbeidsbok ...'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Ark' and `_Autoformater ...'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `Verk_ty' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_M?ls?k ...' and `Si_mulation...'.

** (gnumeric:10311): WARNING **: In the `_Data->_Grupper og disponer' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_G?ym detaljar' and `_Gruppe ...'.

(gnumeric:10314): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Fil' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lagre' and `_Lukk'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Angre' and `Lim inn spesi_al...'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kopier' and `Ar_k'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger->_Velg' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Velg _rad' and `Velg mat_rise'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger->_Velg' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Velg _alt' and `Velg _avhengigheter'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger->_Fyll ut' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_Rekker...' and `Gene_rering av tilfeldige tall...'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `_Rediger' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gjenopprett' and `_G? til celle...'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `Sett _inn' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Plott...' and `S_pesial'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->K_olonne' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skjul' and `_Standard bredde'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Rad' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Skjul' and `_Standard h?yde'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Ark' and `_Arbeidsbok...'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Ark' and `_Autoformat...'.

** (gnumeric:10314): WARNING **: In the `Verk_t?y' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_M?ls?k...' and `Si_muleringer...'.

(gnumeric:10317): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Edycja' menu, the key `o' is used for both `P_on?w' and `K_omentarz...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Edycja->A_rkusz' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zarz?dzaj arkuszami...' and `_Zduplikuj'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Edycja' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Cof_nij' and `Zaz_naczenie'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Edycja->Wyp_e?nienie' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Scal...' and `_Serie...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `W_staw' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kolumny' and `Wy_kres...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `W_staw' menu, the key `o' is used for both `K_om?rki...' and `_Obraz...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `W_staw' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kolumny' and `Odno?ni_k...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Format->_Arkusz' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zarz?dzaj arkuszami...' and `Ukrywanie _zer'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Format->_Arkusz' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Zmie? _nazw?' and `Ukrywanie pionowego _nag??wka'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Format' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Pre_ferences...' and `Automatyczne _formatowanie...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Narz?dzia->_Analiza statystyczna' menu, the key `o' is used for both `Statystyka _opisowa...' and `F_orecast'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Narz?dzia->_Analiza statystyczna' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Rangi i p_rocentyle...' and `_Regresja...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Narz?dzia->_Analiza statystyczna' menu, the key `r' is used for both `Rangi i p_rocentyle...' and `Dwie ?_rednie:'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Dane' menu, the key `s' is used for both `Po_sortuj...' and `_Sprawd? poprawno??...'.

** (gnumeric:10317): WARNING **: In the `_Dane->_Grupy i konspekt' menu, the key `w' is used for both `_Wy?wietl szczeg??y' and `_Wiersze podsumowa? po_ni?ej szczeg???w'.

(gnumeric:10325): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `_Ficheiro' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Pre_ferences...' and `_Fechar'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `_Editar' menu, the key `l' is used for both `Co_lar' and `_Limpar'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `_Ver' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Trancar Paineis' and `View S_tatusbar'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `_Inserir' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Linhas' and `Hiper _liga??o...'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->_Linha' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Altura...' and `_Auto dimensionar selec??o'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->_Folha' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Gerir Folhas...' and `Esconhder _Grelha'.

** (gnumeric:10325): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Folha' and `Pre_ferences...'.

(gnumeric:10326): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Arquivo' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Pre_ferences...' and `_Fechar'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Editar' menu, the key `l' is used for both `Co_lar' and `_Limpar'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Inserir' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Linhas' and `Hyper_link...'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Inserir' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Pasta' and `Es_pecial'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `F_ormato->_Linha' menu, the key `t' is used for both `Al_tura...' and `Sele??o de Au_to ajuste'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Ferramentas->An?l_ise Estat?stica' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_ANOVA' and `_Amostragem...'.

** (gnumeric:10326): WARNING **: In the `_Ferramentas->An?l_ise Estat?stica' menu, the key `d' is used for both `Estat?sticas _Descritivas...' and `_Duas Vari?ncias: Teste F...'.

(gnumeric:10329): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Fi?ier' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Deschide' and `Sen_d To...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Fi?ier' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tip?re?te' and `Proper_ties...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Editare' menu, the key `l' is used for both `_Lipe?te' and `_Lipire special?...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Editare' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Taie' and `?_terge'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Editare' menu, the key `f' is used for both `Re_f?' and `_Foaie'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Editare->_Selectare' menu, the key `i' is used for both `Selecteaz? ?_irul' and `Select _Inputs'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Editare' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Selectare' and `_Sari la celula...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `F_ormatare' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Foaie' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Unelte' menu, the key `c' is used for both `Auto_Corec?ie...' and `_C?utare rezultat...'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Date->_Grupuri ?i scheme' menu, the key `s' is used for both `A_scunde detaliile' and `Afi?eaz? _schemele'.

** (gnumeric:10329): WARNING **: In the `_Date->_Grupuri ?i scheme' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Degrupeaz?...' and `Schemele _dedesubt'.

(gnumeric:10330): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

(gnumeric:10331): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_S?bor' menu, the key `a' is used for both `Ulo?i? _ako' and `Posl_a?...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_S?bor' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vlastnosti...' and `Za_vrie?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vr?ti? sp??' and `_Vlo?i?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vr?ti? sp??' and `_Vymaza?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `o' is used for both `_Opakova? vr?ten?' and `_Odstr?ni?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kop?rova?' and `_Koment?r...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?->_List' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Prida?' and `_Premenova?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `v' is used for both `_Vr?ti? sp??' and `_Vybra?'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Upravi?' menu, the key `p' is used for both `Vy_plni?' and `_Prejs? na bunku...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_Prida?' menu, the key `o' is used for both `_Obr?zok...' and `_Odkaz...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `F_orm?t->_St?pec' menu, the key `scaron' is used for both `_??rka...' and `_?tandardn? ??rka'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `F_orm?t->_Zo?it' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Spr?va listov...' and `Skry? hlavi?ky _st?pcov'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `F_orm?t' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zo?it' and `_Zo?it...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje' menu, the key `m' is used for both `_Moduly...' and `Si_mul?cia...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->?tatistick? ana_l?za' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Korel?cia...' and `_Kovariancia...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->?tatistick? ana_l?za' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Popisn? ?tatistika...' and `Rozlo?enie a _percentily...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->?tatistick? ana_l?za->Dva _priemery' menu, the key `z' is used for both `Nep?rov? v?bery, r?_zne odch?lky: T-Test...' and `_Zn?me odch?lky alebo ve?k? v?ber: Z-Test...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_N?stroje->?tatistick? ana_l?za' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Popisn? ?tatistika...' and `Dva _priemery'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_D?ta->_Skupiny a preh?ady' menu, the key `z' is used for both `_Zobrazi? detaily' and `_Zoskupi?...'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `_D?ta->_Skupiny a preh?ady' menu, the key `p' is used for both `Zobrazi? _preh?ady' and `Preh?ad v_pravo'.

** (gnumeric:10331): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Prida?' and `_Pomocn?k'.

(gnumeric:10332): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_es' is used for both `_???????' and `?????????? _??????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_be' is used for both `?_????' and `??????? ?_????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????->?_?????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_es' is used for both `_???' and `_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_u' is used for both `_??????' and `_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????->_??????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_u' is used for both `_????????? ????????...' and `_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_i' is used for both `_?????' and `_??????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_i' is used for both `_?????' and `_??? ?? ????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_???????????->_?????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_es' is used for both `_??????' and `_?????????? ??????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_ie' is used for both `??????_? ?????????...' and `??_???????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????->??????????? ????_???' menu, the key `Cyrillic_o' is used for both `?_??????????...' and `_?????? ??????????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????->??????????? ????_???->F_orecast' menu, the key `Cyrillic_ie' is used for both `_??????????????? ??????????...' and `????_???? ???????????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `_?????->??????????? ????_???->Two _Means' menu, the key `Cyrillic_pe' is used for both `?_?????? ??????: ?-????...' and `_??????? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????: Z-????'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `??_????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_pe' is used for both `_???????...' and `_??????? ???????????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `??_????->_??????? ? ?????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_pe' is used for both `_??????? ??????' and `???_?????...'.

** (gnumeric:10332): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `Cyrillic_de' is used for both `_????????' and `??_????'.

(gnumeric:10337): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Datoteka' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sa?uvaj' and `Pode?avanje _strane...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje' menu, the key `b' is used for both `U_baci' and `Posebno u_baci...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje->O_?isti' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sve' and `_Sadr?aj'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Umno?i' and `_Ukloni'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje->_Tabela' menu, the key `u' is used for both `_Upravljanje tabelama...' and `_Ukloni'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje' menu, the key `i' is used for both `_Iseci' and `_Ispuni'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Ure?ivanje' menu, the key `i' is used for both `_Iseci' and `_Idi na polje...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `Ubacivanj_e' menu, the key `n' is used for both `_Names' and `_Naro?ito'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Formatiranje->_Vrsta' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Sakrij' and `_Standardna visina'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Alati' menu, the key `e' is used for both `Tra?enj_e rezultata...' and `Sc_enariji'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka anal_iza' menu, the key `o' is used for both `K_ovarijansa...' and `_Opisna statistika...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka anal_iza->F_orecast' menu, the key `e' is used for both `_Eksponencijalno ugla?ivanje...' and `Pokr_etno usrednjavanje...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka anal_iza' menu, the key `o' is used for both `K_ovarijansa...' and `F_orecast'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `_Alati->Statisti?ka anal_iza->Two _Means' menu, the key `p' is used for both `U_pareni uzorci: t-test...' and `_Poznate varijanse ili veliki uzorak: Z-Test'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `Po_daci' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Pore?aj...' and `_Provera ispravnosti...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `Po_daci->_Grupi?i i odvoj' menu, the key `p' is used for both `_Prika?i detalje' and `Ras_pusti...'.

** (gnumeric:10337): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Datoteka' and `Po_daci'.

(gnumeric:10338): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Arkiv' menu, the key `e' is used for both `Sid_egenskaper...' and `_Egenskaper...'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Arkiv' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_F?rhandsgranska' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Redigera' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_T?m' and `_Ta bort'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Redigera' menu, the key `m' is used for both `Ko_mmentarer...' and `_Markera'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Redigera->_Fyll' menu, the key `s' is used for both `_Serier...' and `_Slumptalsgenerator...'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Redigera' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_G?r om' and `_G? till cell..'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `_Infoga' menu, the key `b' is used for both `_Blad' and `_Bild...'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat->_Blad' menu, the key `n' is used for both `Byt _namn' and `D?lj _nollor'.

** (gnumeric:10338): WARNING **: In the `F_ormat' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Arbetsbok...' and `_Autoformatering...'.

(gnumeric:10340): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Dosya' menu, the key `y' is used for both `_Yeni' and `_Yazd?r'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Dosya' menu, the key `f' is used for both `_Farkl? Kaydet' and `Pre_ferences...'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Dosya' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kaydet' and `_Kapat'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Dosya' menu, the key `k' is used for both `_Kaydet' and `??_k'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_D?zenle' menu, the key `t' is used for both `_Tekrar Yap' and `_Temizle'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_D?zenle->?i_zelge' menu, the key `a' is used for both `_Append' and `_Ayn?s?n? Ekle'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_D?zenle' menu, the key `z' is used for both `?_zel yap??t?r...' and `?i_zelge'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_D?zenle' menu, the key `g' is used for both `_Geri Al' and `_G?zeye git...'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `d' is used for both `_Dosya' and `_D?zenle'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Ekle' menu, the key `u' is used for both `S?t_un' and `_URL...'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Ekle' menu, the key `z' is used for both `?i_zelge' and `?_zel'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Ara?lar->?statistiksel _Analiz' menu, the key `o' is used for both `F_orecast' and `?ki _Ortalama'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Veri->S?_zge?' menu, the key `z' is used for both `Geli?mi? S?_zge? Ekle' and `Geli?mi? S?_zge?...'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Veri->_Grupla ve S?n?rla' menu, the key `g' is used for both `Ayr?nt?lar? _Gizle' and `_Grupla...'.

** (gnumeric:10340): WARNING **: In the `_Veri->_Grupla ve S?n?rla' menu, the key `s' is used for both `Ayr?nt?lar? G?_ster' and `_S?n?rlar? G?ster'.

(gnumeric:10341): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10341): WARNING **: In the `?????????' menu, the key `Cyrillic_te' is used for both `???_??????' and `?_?????'.

(gnumeric:10363): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_T?p tin' menu, the key `i' is used for both `M?_i' and `_In'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_Hi?u ch?nh' menu, the key `x' is used for both `_X?a' and `_X?a'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_Hi?u ch?nh->_Ch?n' menu, the key `d' is used for both `T?m _d?y' and `Select _Depends'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_Hi?u ch?nh' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_C?t' and `_Ch?n'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_Ch?n' menu, the key `h' is used for both `_H?ng' and `C_hart...'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_Ch?n' menu, the key `n' is used for both `?_nh...' and `_Names'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `??nh _d?ng->_C?t' menu, the key `r' is used for both `_R?ng...' and `Chi?u _r?ng chu?n'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `??nh _d?ng->_H?ng' menu, the key `c' is used for both `_Cao...' and `Chi?u _cao chu?n'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `C?ng c?' menu, the key `s' is used for both `T? ??ng _s?a l?i...' and `_Solver...'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `_D? li?u->_B? l?c' menu, the key `b' is used for both `Th?m _B? l?c T? ??ng' and `_B? l?c n?ng cao...'.

** (gnumeric:10363): WARNING **: In the `' menu, the key `d' is used for both `??nh _d?ng' and `_D? li?u'.

(gnumeric:10366): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10366): WARNING **: In the `??(_O)->?(_R)' menu, the key `h' is used for both `??(_H)...' and `??(_H)'.

(gnumeric:10387): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

** (gnumeric:10387): WARNING **: In the `??(_O)->???(_S)' menu, the key `c' is used for both `???????(_C)' and `???????(_C)'.

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