gtranslator - do not use !

I just manage to broke a couple of translation using that application,
so my advice would be to stay out of that application until version 23.0
or something. I think it's pretty shamefull that we don't have a serious
gnome translation tool.

I used to use kbabel, but lately run into some dependency problems and
didn't install it anymore, because gtranslator seemed like a nice
software that time. Well, it's not. It has some serious bugs:

1. It shows every spave as a point. No problem here, kbabel does the
same. BUT if you copy and paste something, ity will copy and paste with
points in stead of spaces. What was on their mind ?

2. If I hit an enter at the end of line to continue to translated string
at a new line, it does not consider necessary to add a space, so the
final string in application will have a missing space. That's terrible. 

I have a few broken translations because of this. I've checked after I
translated them, but it's kinda difficult when you translate an
application of 1000 strings, of which 800 was already translated, that
the other 200 are all good. 

I will contact gtranslator developers about these bugs, but I thought it
might be a good idea to warn some other innocent souls to not make the
same mistake as I did :(

Thank's God 2.6.1 is scheduled pretty soon.

Mugurel Tudor (   
Linux Registered User:  212231
In God we Trust. All others must have valid md5 checksums.

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