Re: gimp and 2.4

fre 2003-10-31 klockan 15.28 skrev Åsmund Skjæveland:
> > Definately 2.6 IMHO. Only those who have something like 98% complete
> > gain something by working on 2.4 at this point, I think. Everyone else
> > should concentrate their efforts on 2.6 and try to get that fully
> > translated before we are in 2.6 release times... Beware that the 2.6
> > module list isn't finalized yet though.
> I'm still working on gnome-2-4 despite only being at 30% (Norwegian
> Nynorsk) or so. My justification is that I don't want to translate
> moving targets. I'd rather translate a stable, unchanging branch, and
> then port that translation (using msgmerge, KBabel's autotranslator, cp,
> or
> whatever) to the unstable branch. On  unstable branches, strings can pop
> up and disappear or change frequently, and not all developers are good
> at keeping and POTFILES.skip recent.

I understand that you feel that way, but my point is that there are for
example already some larger chunks of messages added in the 2.6 branches
that were never added to 2.4 because of the string freeze, and only
because of that. Those messages will also be there in the final 2.6

By translating 2.6 branches early, you have a fair chance of translating
the bulk of those messages in good time, instead of saving all that work
for the fairly short period of string freeze when that time comes. Trust
me, you'll have enough to do when that time comes. ;-)

Also, there will be more work coming in the coming weeks in the form of
additional, proposed modules for 2.6, so there won't be less work by
waiting. The earlier you get on translating 2.6, the better chance you
have of actually having a supported translation in 2.6 when it's finally


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