Re: gimp and 2.4

tor 2003-10-30 klockan 22.03 skrev Ramanan Selvaratnam:
> This should be a giveawy that I have not done anything for sometime.

Yeah. ;-)

> Where is GIMP in the 2.4 tree?
> Maybe it a temporary feature due to some ongoing redjustment or  I could
> have missed some important announcement...
> It is there under the 2.6 tree under the section 'extras'.

for the explanation.

> Infact I would appreciate a bit of guidance on which version I should be
> concentrating now (2.4 or 2.6). My module is Tamil (ta) -- 2.4 is
> translated at around 34%.

Definately 2.6 IMHO. Only those who have something like 98% complete
gain something by working on 2.4 at this point, I think. Everyone else
should concentrate their efforts on 2.6 and try to get that fully
translated before we are in 2.6 release times... Beware that the 2.6
module list isn't finalized yet though.

You can find the 2.5/2.6 schedule here:


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