Re: PO-based Documentation Translation

El mié, 01-10-2003 a las 23:12, Christian Rose escribió:

> But I think automatically classifying anything we've done so far or
> currently do as inferior, and everything else done by others as
> automatically more advanced, more "proved" or superior by any other
> non-factual means or not backed up statements serves no good purpose at
> all.

Why do you say that?

I don't remember to have said anything about «inferior». What I try to
say is we clearly can get better. GTP has solved the main problem:
manpower. Having GTP-compromised human resources you have the key part.
The only essential one. And looking at the stats, with a great level of

In the other hand, I think is an exercise of modesty to recognise we
still need to learn some things. The more I know about my mother
language, the more I know I'm almost un illiterate person. Nothing to
say about my stinking English O:-)

In this years involved with language, translation and libre software
I've discovered some things the «real world» has to offer (BTW, at least
in Spanish the quotes can mean "being ironic", so don't be offended
here, please). Some of then are bibliography, software, language
resources and methodology. Probably I could have learnt it more fastly
studying it at University (the translation career, for example) but I'm
only a poor computer boy. But, anyway, here are the facts you asked. I
repeated it in the list a few times: you have a very complete
information[1] about how this type of software works, almost all in
English. I recommend specially the links:

      *  about the European Commission Translation Service (to have a
        big picture of the problem) 
      * and the Tim's article about XLIFF. Hope all of you at least read


And should I talk about our indiscutible strengths? About how we
multiply our productivity sharing softweare, resources and experience as
anyone can? Should I need to repeat it to you? Don't think so. You are
who makes it real. You feel it on your own veins. 

And finally, please don't think I want to change all the way you (we)
work from one day to another. No. Mainly because there is no software
available today. But maybe it'll be tomorrow. And I wish we'd be ready
to be the best translation service of the world, without the lesser of
the doubts. 

So please, don't feel offended by my words. My low English expression
ties me. I don't have motivation to offend anybody here. I love your
work. Love GTP and Gnome and I try to do my part too, here and other
parts of Gnome and libre-software world. I only ask you to open your
mind a bit and hear what Tim have to say, because he is a real
specialist, instead of me.

With love and respect.

        A.Ismael Olea González, la ONG sin futuro.

        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta OLEA

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