Re: New team for Limburgian

tis 2003-03-04 klockan 19.57 skrev Carlos Perelló Marín:
> > We would like the minority language to be added to the status pages so
> > quickly as possible.
> It's as easy as add a .po file for that locale.
> The status program will automaticly add it to status pages.
> I only need the english name (Limburgs?) and the locale code to add it
> as a friendly label, until I get it, you will see only the locale code. and lists several English names for this language:

    Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish

Which one of these is most used in English I don't know. The M-W
disctionary doesn't list the language name at all, only the noun
"Limburger". I'll probably just go ahead and use "Limburgish" on the
teams page unless someone objects and has a better idea.

Btw, Carlos, could you add the proper English language name "Yiddish"
for the "yi" language code? That's also what's used on the teams page.


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