translation-status.xml moved and gnome-18n/status changes...

Hi people, I have just changed the gnome-i18n/status to be able to work
with the evolution of the actual status pages "script".

The .xml format has not changed, but it's now at gnome-i18n/status/data

I have added also a doc directory where i will put several ideas about
what we need as I understand them and also the ideas you fill at

The status pages will not change soon, I don't have many spare time, but
I will try to do it as soon as I could.

The first big change I want to do (and I'm starting with) is migrate the
actual hack (it's really ugly and that's the cause that it's not at to a really high object oriented program with gobject.

Please, feel free to add new requests to

My other ideas are:
	- Support for several CVS servers
	- Support for FTP servers and tar.gz files
	- l10n web
	- Real time update (well, something like that)
	- Different views (RedHat 9 release, Debian Woody release, GNOME 1.4
release, GNOME 2.2 release, etc...)
	- Put your suggestion here.

If someone wants to help me he/she is welcomed, but please understand
that I have exams until 11th July so be pacient if I don't answer your

Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232 ||
Valencia - Spain

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