Re: Problem with desktop file spec not allowing @modifier in locale naming

Christian Rose <> writes:

> This problem with the desktop file spec should be fixed upstream, so
> that conformant parsers can respect the @modifier syntax. So I've cc:d
> to get some input on the issue.

How about this as a start for a fix to the desktop-entry spec?


? desktop-entry-spec
? desktop-entry-spec.junk
Index: desktop-entry-spec.sgml
RCS file: /home/freedesktop/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 desktop-entry-spec.sgml
--- desktop-entry-spec.sgml	24 Aug 2002 20:33:13 -0000	1.3
+++ desktop-entry-spec.sgml	5 Jun 2003 20:50:50 -0000
@@ -116,42 +116,105 @@
   <sect1 id="recognized-keys">
     <title>Recognized desktop entry keys</title>
-      Keys may be postfixed by [<replaceable>locale</replaceable>], where <replaceable>locale</replaceable> is the LOCALE type
-      of the entry.  <replaceable>locale</replaceable> must be of the form lang[_COUNTRY][.ENCODING],
-      where either _COUNTRY or .ENCODING may be omitted. If a postfixed key
-      occurs, the same key must be also present without the postfix.
+      Keys may be postfixed by [<replaceable>LOCALE</replaceable>],
+      where <replaceable>LOCALE</replaceable> is the locale type of the
+      entry.  <replaceable>LOCALE</replaceable> must be of the form
+      and @MODIFIER may be omitted. If a postfixed key occurs, the same
+      key must be also present without the postfix.
       When reading in the desktop entry file, the value of the key is
       selected by matching the current POSIX locale for the LC_MESSAGES
-      category against the <replaceable>locale</replaceable> postfixes of all occurrences of the key,
-      with the .ENCODING part stripped. (The .ENCODING is used when the
-      Encoding key for the desktop entry file is Legacy-Mixed, see
-      <xref linkend="legacy-mixed">.)
+      category against the <replaceable>locale</replaceable> postfixes
+      of all occurrences of the key, with the .ENCODING part stripped.
+      The .ENCODING field is used only when the Encoding key for the
+      desktop entry file is Legacy-Mixed, (see <xref
+      linkend="legacy-mixed">.)
-      The matching is done as follows: if the current value of
-      LC_MESSAGES is
-      <replaceable>lang</replaceable>_<replaceable>country</replaceable>.<replaceable>encoding</replaceable>@<replaceable>modifier</replaceable>,
-      then, if a key for
-      <replaceable>lang</replaceable>_<replaceable>country</replaceable>
-      is present, it will be used. Otherwise, if a key for
-      <replaceable>lang</replaceable> is present, it will be used. If
-      both of these are missing, the required key without a locale
-      specified is used.  The encoding and modifier from the
-      LC_MESSAGES value are ignored.
+      The matching of is done as follows.  If LC_MESSAGES is of the form
+      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>.<replaceable>ENCODING</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>,
+      then it will match a key of the form
+      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>.
+      If such a key does not exist, it will attempt to match
+      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>
+      followed by
+      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>.
+      Then, a match against <replaceable>LANG</replaceable> by itself
+      will be attempted.  Finally, if no matching key is found the
+      required key without a locale specified is used.  The encoding
+      from the LC_MESSAGES value is ignored when matching.
+      If LC_MESSAGES does not have a <replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>
+      field, then no key with a modifier will be matched.  Similarly, if
+      LC_MESSAGES does not have a <replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>
+      field, then no key with a country specified will be matched.  If
+      LC_MESSAGES just has a <replaceable>LANG</replaceable> field, then
+      it will do a straight match to a key with a similar value.  The
+      following table lists possible matches of various LC_MESSAGES in
+      the order in which they are matched.  Note that the
+      <replaceable>ENCODING</replaceable> field isn't shown.
+    </para>
+    <table>
+      <title>Locale Matching</title>
+      <tgroup cols=2>
+	<thead>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry>LC_MESSAGES Value</entry>
+	    <entry>Possible Keys in Order of Matching</entry>
+	  </row>
+	</thead>
+	<tbody>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable></entry>
+	    <entry>
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>,
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>,
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>,
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>,
+	      Default Value
+	    </entry>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable></entry>
+	    <entry>
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>_<replaceable>COUNTRY</replaceable>,
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>,
+	      Default Value
+	    </entry>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><replaceable>LANG</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable></entry>
+	    <entry>
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>@<replaceable>MODIFIER</replaceable>,
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>,
+	      Default Value
+	    </entry>
+	  </row>
+	  <row>
+	    <entry><replaceable>LANG</replaceable></entry>
+	    <entry>
+	      <replaceable>LANG</replaceable>,
+	      Default Value
+	    </entry>
+	  </row>
+	</tbody>
+      </tgroup>
+    </table>
+    <para>
       For example, if the current value of the LC_MESSAGES category
-      is de_DE, and the desktop file includes:
+      is sr_YU@Latn and the desktop file includes:
- Name[de]=Foo auf Deutsch</programlisting>
+ Name[sr_YU]=...
+ Name[sr@Latn]=...
+ Name[sr]=...</programlisting>
-      Then the value used for the name key will be 'Foo auf Deutsch'. However,
-      if a value is specified for Name[de_DE], then that will be used
-      instead.
+      then the value of the Name keyed by "sr_YU" is used.
       Case is significant.  The keys "Name" and "NAME" are not equivalent.

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