Re: schema files

lör 2003-07-12 klockan 16.54 skrev Ole Laursen:
> > i) Make sure you have both <short> and useful <long> descriptions for
> > all keys, for the benefit of the users.
> I think this latter advice should be left out. If you don't have
> anything on your mind for the long description (as is often the case),
> making one up is just wasting bits and creating extra (often quite
> boring) work for us.
> Here's a grave example from the .pot file from Epiphany (but quite a
> lot of modules have this sort of texts where the difference is just
> a period):

Note the "useful" in point i) above. Adding a <long> description that is
just the <short> one plus an added period is of course not useful; it
adds no useful information and is just redundant.

What I tried with point i) above is to stress the need for actually
useful <long> descriptions; descriptions that explain in more detail
than the <short> description what they key actually does control and
what alternate settings for this key there are etc. Such descriptions
add much valuable information for the users that need to modify the
values of such keys.

More work for us, but fulfilling the user's needs are more important.


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