Firestarter translations and translation projects

mån 2003-01-06 klockan 18.13 skrev Tomas Junnonen:
> Translators who want to update their translations can find the new
> pot file at
> (Someone with CVS access please push the update into the
> gnome-i18n/extra-po/firestarter CVS tree, thanks ;)

Hi Tomas!
As there have been clashes in the past with the Translation Project
( where there unfortunately
were translators from both projects working on the same translations
independantly of each other, and as a result much wasted work and
confusion, we've had to decide on and agree on what kind of software
should be taken care of what translation project.

As a result, we've agreed on:

1) Translations of software present in GNOME cvs should be handled by
the GNOME Translation Project (GTP). Important GNOME software or
software that wants in other ways to be considered a part of GNOME
should use (or move to) the GNOME cvs anyway; there are many other
development benefits of using the same cvs for software under the same
project umbrella.

2) Translations of all other software should be handled by the
Translation Project (TP). The TP has a much better infrastructure for
handling of translations of software from many development sources

This among other things means that we are starting to phase out the
"extra-po" directory in GNOME cvs where Firestarter has been located
until now.

So, we need to know how to proceed. The decision is up to you -- are you
moving to GNOME and want to use the GNOME cvs, or are you more
comfortable with Firestarter being independantly developed as it is now?

In the first case, we should help you apply for a cvs account
( etc., in the second
case we should help you set up Firestarter in the TP
( and
import existing translations there.


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