Re: Last of the control-center string changes

tis 2003-08-12 klockan 23.48 skrev Jonathan Blandford:
> I talked to Christian on irc earlier today about this, and he was pretty
> amenable to changes of this kind at this point.

What I tried to tell was only that I'll look through proposed string
changes, not that I'm favorable about string changes in general at this
point. Sorry if that message came through unclear.

> 76081 - s/picture/image/

This can probably wait until after 2.4, I think. It's been this way for
more than a year as far as I can see in the report, so there seems to be
no particularily strong reason for pushing this for 2.4 and breaking the
freeze. Also, I couldn't figure out the number of affected messages from
the report.

> 87992 - s/Program/Application/

Also more than a year old. Can probably also be fixed after 2.4, in
non-frozen times.

> 90932 - Add two atk relations -- A11Y bug too.

Several (at least five, it seems) unrelated issues in one report -- I
can't say that I'm clear about what exact changes are suggested and how
many messages are affected.

> 95111 - Change a yes/no dialog to a "save"/"don't save" dialog

Also more than a year old, although it seems like a well motivated
change. But can't it be fixed afterwards?

> 98922 - s/(LCD)/(for LCD screens)/;s/Resolution (dots per inch):/Resolution;add 'dpi'
> 109091 - Add a confirmation dialog to deleting mime-types

Haven't looked at these yet, need to leave in a few minutes, sorry.

In general, what I'd like is to avoid string freeze to become "hey, it's
time to check what unapplied string-affecting changes we have". That
should be done *before* the freeze, and that's why we have a freeze
after all. On the other hand, we want to allow some changes to go
through, but that should be well motivated changes -- i.e. "without this
patch, we have a big regression" or "this is a fairly visible typo, we
can't really release 2.4 with this in" or so. Especially weeks into the

Looking at the above reports, I can't really see why they haven't been
fixed earlier, and what the motivation is for why they absolutely have
to be fixed right now during the string freeze. If you could list the
ones that you feel must absolutely be fixed for 2.4 and telling why you
think so, I'm happy to look at those again.


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