Sun po files

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Damien Donlon wrote:
> > This is the problem. Four days is *very* little time, and for the
> > languages and modules where Sun has been doing their translation review
> > (which we haven't recieved yet afaik) we'll still both need to
> > review and complete those in four days, with all the string changes that
> > were made to the modules in the mean time where we weren't supposed to
> > update the translations of those modules.
> I am awaiting commit access to Gnome CVS for delivering these.
> If anyone is willing to take the files in a gzipped mail
> attachment in the meantime then mail me. My testing on them
> has been limited to msgfmt & msgcmp comparisons against the latest files
> in Gnome CVS. Because so many files were updated within the community
> while we were translating we had to do a merge to the latest community
> files. I am anxious to get feedback on whether this merge worked
> correctly - particularly around fuzzy match strings.

You can send the files to me.


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