Re: xscreensaver translation

Christian Rose wrote:
> mån 2002-05-20 klockan 11.59 skrev Damien Donlon:
> > > I'm curious about the xcreensaver module. Will Sun help translating it
> > > for its supported languages? I'm asking since it's one of those modules
> > > where we (sv team) need help.
> >
> > Yes - xscreensaver is included in the Solaris Gnome build and so we
> > will be doing translation on it.
> Great!
> > Incidentally, we hope to hope to put the first group of modules we have
> > worked on back late this week/early next week.
> >
> > How do you want to work this? If we send the files to the language
> > team leads for a final check and they get the ok, will they commit
> > them back into the workspace?
> Yes, I think language team leads can handle the committing.
> One nice thing to have would probably be if there was some sort of list
> of changes that were made to the po file (makes it easier to review the
> changes, and decide what changes should go into community translations).
> Perhaps as comments in the po file at the messages that were changed, or
> as a seperate list, the format doesn't really matter.

We can do this. I think we should be able to automate flagging changed msgstr
values with "# MESSAGE CHANGED" & new translations with "# SUN - NEW TRANSLATION". 


> Regards,
> Christian

Damien Donlon
00 353 1 8199225

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