Re: GNOME translation status pages

On 28 Feb 2002, Carlos [ISO-8859-1] Perelló Marín wrote:

> We have basic translation status pages for GNOME 2.0 (GNOME 1.4 &&
> others will be available soon):
> If you see something wrong, please look at:
> there you could see the build log and know why a module is 0% or it's
> not at 100% if you have it finished.
> The status pages are not finished, I will be adding more features every
> day (all features that old ones had and new features).
> Please, fill bugs at
> , under gtp
> component, with any feature request and bug reports.
> Happy translation!!!!

Good work, thanks a lot!

Just a small problem that I notice: if msgmerge (or intltool-update?)
encounters an error with some certain locale, then all locales following
that one are skipped. Take nautilus for example, since msgmerge doesn't
like nautilus-ta.po, then all of the locales following ta (namely tr,
uk, vi, wa and so on) are ignored, thus giving 0% status as a result.

Another suggestion: it might be better to force locale env variables
(LANGUAGE, LANG, LC_*) to be "C" in the first part of program, otherwise
the status program will fail immediately. I don't know any C programming
at all, so don't know how to do it...


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