Problems with xml-i18n-prepare and .directory files

After running xml-i18n-prepare in gnome-core I noticed that it didn't
make the neccesary changes to in the directories containing
.directory files. Somehow the script gets confused in there.

Not sure if it's related to the .directory file handling itself of if
it's that has too many special cases to make the script bail

After looking at it seems to me that .directory
files are treated as equal to .desktop, .keys and .soundlist files.

my $desktop_extension = "(desktop|soundlist|keys|directory)+";
my $desktop_find_regex = ".*desktop\\|soundlist\\|keys\\|directory";

(look for keywords)

my $keywords = "Name|Comment|description";

so the main() in the script does this:

&find_desktop_files; (this should be all of the above)
&add_to_cvsignore; #So far so good, but
&fix_makefiles;    #<- this fails for .directory files for some reason

fix_makefiles() does this:

sub fix_makefiles
    my $file;
    foreach $file (@desktop_files) {
        my ($makefile, $line);

        $file =~ /^(.*\/)*(.*?\.$desktop_extension$)$/;
        if ($1) {
            $makefile = "$";
        } else {
            $makefile = "";
        my $basename = $2;
        print "Fixing $basename entry in $makefile\n" if $VERBOSE;

        open MAKE, $makefile;
        open NEWMAKE, ">$";
        my $extra = 0;
        while ($line = <MAKE>) {
            $extra = 1 if $line =~ /^EXTRA_DIST/;
            if ($extra) {
                if (($line =~ /$basename/) &&
                    !($line =~ /$basename\.in/)) {
                    $line =~ s/$basename/$basename\.in/;
                $extra = 0 unless $line =~ /\\\s*$/
            } else {
                if ($line =~ /^(\w+)_DATA\s*=\s*$basename\s*$/) {
                    my $name = $1;
                    $line =~ s/^$name\_DATA/$name\_in_files/;
                    $line =~ s/$basename/$basename\.in/;
                    $basename =~ /.*\.($desktop_extension)$/;
                    my $ext = $1;
                    $line .= "$name\_DATA =
                    $ext =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
                    if (!contains($makefile,
"\@XML_I18N_MERGE_$ext\_RULE\@")) {
                        $line .= "\@XML_I18N_MERGE_$ext\_RULE\@\n";
                    elsif (!contains($makefile,
                        $line .= "\@XML_I18N_MERGE_DESKTOP_RULE\@\n";
            print NEWMAKE $line;
        close NEWMAKE;
        rename "$", $makefile;

And this doesn't generate anything in for .directory files.

>From the changed in gnome-core/desktop-links:

gnew_in_files =
gnew_DATA = $(

This was the only thing added by the script. This leaves out a bunch of
.desktop files and all of the files.

Also just adding @XML_I18N_MERGE_DIRECTORY_RULE@ doesn't do anything for
me. After checking in nautilus where Alex did the same thing I see that
.directory files aren't generated there either. So this makes it build
by just ignoring the files :)

What next? Can someone explain how to change by hand to make
it work? Do we need to fix the script?

Please advice.


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