RE: [zh-l10n] [i18n-chinese] Chinese/English Translators

Thanks for your email. I wish you could specifically post the
job/project online. I think you shall see some members raising their
hands. So please asked our member to check thru' the work before any of
the work get "authorized" by the "guardians".

Jack Soo

> Hi,
> 	That's absolutely great. Not to mention any commitment 
> for now........ but what would you plan to do in the near future?
> 	From what I observe is that, translations need an 
> extensive review, since many translations are done by 
> translation robots, they are inaccurate, if not completely 
> wrong. Recently I even saw some committed and 'authorized' 
> translations are merely just a new file merging old 
> translations without any error checking. An authorized 
> translation can be done within 15 seconds. That's joke.
> 	So if you don't have idea where to start (other than 
> making new translations), something can be done in the area 
> aforementioned above.
> Regards,
> Abel Cheung

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