Re: The recent change in control-center

2001-03-10T08:57:30-0800, Maciej Stachowiak ->
> Martin Norbäck <> writes:
> > It also looks at the _wrong_ strings are marked for translation, let me
> > examplify.
> I think the problem is with the xml-i18n-prepare script. It does not
> understand about the special screensaver .desktop files, so it ignored
> the section headers. Martin, would you mind fixing the screensaver
> .desktop files up to mark the correct strings and only the correct
> strings for translation?

I could do that, but I don't think I will, not for this branch.
The best thing is to revert this change, and do this for the HEAD branch

The problem:
It seems like xml-i18n-prepare can take as additional argument deciding
which keywords to mark for translation.

The ones that should be marked in these files are:


Also, Name in the [ArgN] sections should _not_ be marked, but perhaps
this can be remedied after calling xml-i18n-prepare.

There are also some misspelled keywords in the files, which will remain
after calling xml-i18n-prepare, these should also be removed.

The ones I found are:
LeftLable[ca]=Mostrar el protector en monocrom
Commenr[ca]=Mostra el protector en monocrom.
Lable[fr]=Nombre de polygones ā utiliser.
Lebel[ca]=Separaciķ entre rastres
LeftLAbel[ca]=Dibuixar Qix sōlid

Seems like it's hard to do this without errors, yet one reason to use

The solution:
I have used xml-i18n-prepare with the correct keywords, it generates the
correct files, but it there seems to be some error with
xml-i18n-update, the msgid:s doesn't get into the pot-file.

I suggest that we revert this change for control-center-1-0 and uses the
.desktop files for now.

Then we do this for control-center HEAD instead.

It is to late to fix the translations now anyway, we should target a
later version for this.


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