Re: GnomeICU Release

kažkada, berods Sk, 2001-01-14 00:26+0000, rašė:
> On 13 Jan 2001, Jeremy Wise wrote:
> > Also, I've been told that I need to do some work to make sure the
> > country lists come out in alphabetical order AFTER they've been
> > translated... imagine that... Anyway, if anyone has a quick hack to take
> > care of that problem, I'll fix that up in the next release so you guys
> > don't have to worry about it

Fixed in CVS!

However, where are these country codes taken from? The list maybe needs to
be updated. For example, my country (Lithuania) is not there.

> I believe you could use "qsort" for sorting and "strcoll" for comparison.
> Once Unicode comes into place, you will need to replace strcoll with the
> Unicode counterpart.
> Attached is a simple example of the above.

simple... although too complicated. actually there was only one line:
l = g_list_sort( l, (GCompareFunc) strcmp );

Long awaited release...

Gediminas Paulauskas  ···  ···  ICQ 24859336

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