Re: Forced utf-8 conversion???

Robert Brady wrote:

>> Right now, I'm suddenly *unable* to update the gedit sv.po file, because
>> pablo was so kind to change it to utf-8 for me, and I don't have an utf-8
>> editor on my system. Thanks.
> The situation is
>   modules using GTK+2 should be using UTF-8 .po files and .desktop files,
>     with no exceptions.  Deal with it.

Yes, I will deal with it some day. By the time GTK+ 2.0 is ready and 
used, maybe emacs will have built-in utf-8 support.

However, I seriously doubt that gedit-HEAD is using GTK 2...

>   modules that aren't, should keep the existing things, with no
>     exceptions.  If anyones been changing modules that are still using
>     1.x to use UTF-8 .po files, they have probably been naughty.

Yes, to me, this seems to be the situation. Pablo, I'd really like to 
have the utf-8 change on sv.po in gedit-HEAD reverted, unless there was 
a really food reason to do the change. If there was, I'd like to hear 
about it.


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