Re: Subversion migration schedule (cut-off Fri 18 Mar)

Ross Golder wrote:

>rossg localhost:~$ svn co svn+ssh://
>A    test/po-weirdname
>A    test/po-weirdname/th.po
>A    test/foobar
>A    test/README
>A    test/po
>A    test/po/th.po
>A    test/po/test.po
>Checked out revision 24.
>rossg localhost:~$ cd test
>rossg localhost:~/test$ svn propset svn:externals "macros
>"; .
>property 'svn:externals' set on '.'
>rossg localhost:~/test$ svn commit -m "Testing 'svn:externals' with the
>macros module."
>Sending        .
One thing worth noting here: the macros/ subdirectory will be checked
out anonymously, so you won't be able to edit files within that
directory and commit, like we can with CVS at the moment.

Using the "svn+ssh" URL in the svn:externals property is no better,
since it would cause problems for someone trying to check out the module

I don't think I've ever heard a solution to this problem with svn:externals.


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