Re: Releases?

<quote who="Jens Finke">

> I just wondered what happend to our 2.5.0 and 2.4.1 releases, scheduled a
> few weeks ago? There have been some rumours on the mailing lists that the
> problem is about the deprecated flags in some packages. Does this also
> apply to the 2.4.1 tarballs?
> My question is: Where do we hang in our release process? In which way does
> this affect our release plan and when/how do we expect an actual release
> (so maintainers which did a 2.5.0 already can make a release)?
> Can someone enlighten me?

2.4.1 was hanging on some updated tarballs (which haven't all been released,
but we're going live anyway - the ftp site was updated last night, though I
have to update a few of the versions there).

2.5 is totally halted on the deprecated errors. We're going to do a huge
call for tarballs with fixed build foo, either 2.4.x series (if you have no
reason to do a 2.5 release) or 2.5 (if you aren't concerned with your 2.4.x
series packages not building on GTK+ 2.5/2.6). That call is going out
tonight, so we ought to be able to do an initial 2.5 release next week.

Apologies for the lack of status,

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
   I must be getting old... Buying toothpaste with gel in it is no longer
                           an Absolute Necessity.

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