Re: Autocompletion

El dom, 13-10-2002 a las 23:07, Jon Trowbridge escribió:
> On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 20:12, Jody Goldberg wrote:

> [...]

> The proposed code seems to mostly satisfy these three requirements,
> which is one reason for the delay in my response... I didn't see
> anything horrifying that motivated me to act quickly. :)

Great! :-)

> Below are some comments, questions and random assertions that came to
> mind when I read over the egg-autocompletion*.[ch] for the first time.
> -JT
> On EggAutocompletionSource
> --------------------------
> I'm a bit confused about the semantics of the eas_set_basic_key and
> eas_foreach methods.  Presumably set_basic_key means "start computing
> completions for this string", but the foreach method also takes a
> basic_key string as an argument.
> Q: Does this mean that multiple queries are allowed simultaneously? i.e.
>     is something like
>    EggAutocompletionSource *my_source = blah_blah_blah;
>    eas_set_basic_key (my_source, "foo");
>    eas_set_basic_key (my_source, "bar");
>    ... time for completions to generate ...
>    eas_foreach (my_source, "foo", gather_foo_completions, foofoo);
>    eas_foreach (my_source, "bar", gather_bar_completions, barbar);
>     supposed to be valid?  IMO the API suggests that it is allowed,
>     but I suspect that it actually isn't... and requiring such behavior
>     would complicate implementations.
> subQ: If multiple simultaneous searches are allowed, shouldn't
>       the data_changed signal allow per-basic_key notification.

The key arg in the foreach method could be removed. Initially I thought
about allowing several queries (from different galeon windows...) but
then I realized that it was too hard and didn't really add any benefit. 

I should have removed that arg then, but I left there just in case...

> Q: Shouldn't we also support a method of cancelling the current query?
>    This could be important for 'slow' completion generators that involve
>    (for example) queries across the network.

Setting a different key? We could add another method but I don't see why
could you want to stop the current search until you have a different

> Q: Also, maybe there should be a way for a source to send up
>    notification that the current list of matches is complete?  There
>    should be some way for users to know that the drop-down of matches
>    they are looking at is fully populated and isn't still waiting for
>    more results from some slow server across the network.


> On EggAutocompletionMatch
> -------------------------
> The EggAutocompletion object acts as an aggregator of
> EggAutocompletionSources, and exposes the results of a query as
> EggAutocompletionMatch structs.  The EggAutocompletion is responsible
> for
> memory-managing the EggAutocompletionMatches.
> However, the EggAutocompletionMatches are built up by the
> EggAutocompletion.
> The EggAutocompletionSource-implementers just pass up three pieces of
> data:
>   (1) An 'item' string
>   (2) A 'title' string
>   (3) A numerical score.
> This scheme makes it impossible (or at least unwieldy) for an
> EggAutocompletionSource to pass any extra data about the match.  IMHO it
> would
> make more sense for the EggAutocompletionSourceForeachFunc to be
> typedefed
> as
> typedef void (* EggA..ForeachFunc) (EggAutocompletionSource *source,
> 	                            EggAutocompletionMatch  *match,
>                                     gpointer                 user_data);
> EggAutocompletionMatches should be extensible by struct-nesting and
> (maybe) should be reference-counted to avoid memory-management
> hassles.  Allowing nesting would allow more complex entry widgets
> build on the stock completion framework while still getting access to
> extra meta-data that they generate at completion-time.
> So the definition of EggAutocompletionMatch would move to
> egg-autocompletion-source.h and would probably look something like this:
> struct _EggAutocompletionMatch {
>   int refs;
>   void (*destroy) (struct _EggAutocompletionMatch *);
>   gchar *match;
>   gchar *title;
>   gint32 score;
>   guint  offset; /* This seems like an implementation detail of
>                     EggAutocompletion that we are needlessly exposing,
>                     but I didn't really look at the code carefully
>                     enough to understand exactly what it was doing... */
> };
> with associated functions:
> EggAu..Match *egg_autocompletion_match_ref   (EggAutocompletionMatch *);
> void          egg_autocompletion_match_unref (EggAutocompletionMatch *);

I have totally hidden the EggAutocompletionMatch as an implementation
detail in more recent version (in my harddrive), as havoc suggested. I
think it should be kept internal. I agree about adding the user_data to

> Sorting and Scores
> ------------------
> Complex sorting schemes might be difficult to implement using just a
> numerical score.  The two main issues I see are:
> (1) If we have special sorting requirements and start spitting out
>     solutions before the entire query is complete, how do we handle
>     scoring?  It is important that any 'views' on the EggAutocompletion
>     not assume that scores are constant -- in some cases we would
>     definitely need to re-score every match whenever new solutions are
>     found (or lazily, before every eas_foreach call when there have
>     been changes.)

The matches are sorted after every "changed" signal. The views should
not assume that the order is kept after the EggAutocompletion emits that

> (2) How do we compare scores between matches that come from multiple
>     EggAutocompletionSources?  Or more specifically: are such
>     comparisons necessarily meaningful?  I can think of some cases where
>     weirdness could definitely ensue.

Don't know. I guess that it depends of the app. In galeon the score is
more or less a measure of how "old" is the match (but often visited
pages seem newer). This works well for history and bookmarks.

But I have no idea about how to score an address in evolution.... 

I don't think that you could expect to compare matches from completion
sources that are totally unrelated.

> One approach might be to allow users to register a sort function with
> an EggAutocompletion: the sort function would then be used in lieu of
> (or somehow in conjunction with) the match's score.

Good idea.

Ricardo Fernández Pascual
ric users sourceforge net
Murcia. España.

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