Minutes x2 for release team 2002-10-30 and 2002-11-06

Mea culpa. Second time in a row I have got so behind. 


Minutes for Gnome 2 release team meeting 2002-10-30

Present: everyone: 

Frederic Crozat        Glynn Foster           Karl Gaffney 
Jody Goldberg          Telsa Gwynne           Mikael Hallendal
             Luis Villa             Jeff Waugh


  DONE: Jeff to announce the upcoming 2.0.3 to people.

  DONE: Luis to check whether a gtk bug related to metacity crashes
  is fixed in stable branch as well as in unstable.
  Jeff did this. There is a gtk release coming out but we not 
  yet sure of dates.

  DONE: Jeff to include proposed list of modules for 2.2 in the
  release notes for 2.1.1.

  DONE: Glynn to mail people about UI review.
  PENDING: Jeff to install analog or webalyser on the box hosting dotplan
  so we know what people are looking for/at/over.
  => gnome-sysadmin is snowed under. Jeff will do it.

  PENDING: Jeff to create check-list of "things to do before major
  release" and maintain it so it's ready for 2.2.0.
  => Jeff to post his list to the release-team list and then we can
  whack it into CVS or somewhere where everyone can see it. 

  PENDING: Mikael to prioritise API docs needed
  Since FIXME is at 6%, this is clearly something needing doing :)

  PENDING: Jeff to summarise the expected feature lists for 2.2 we
  have so far in RSN (Not the best name for it, "Real Soon Now" is
  our "what's going on; you are here" email to desktop-devel-list). 

  NEW: Jeff to ensure clear directions for Xft2 are in GNOME 2.1.x
  release notes. 

  NEW: When 2.1.2 comes out, ensure the final list of apps on
  it is waved at people in usability, i18n, docs and QA so that
  they know exactly what's on the cards for 2.2.

  NEW: Telsa to start posting action item reminders at the weekend
  rather than five minutes before the meeting...

Decisions and discussion:

  2.1.1 status: 

  It's out :) 

  * Bug status

  Last two Bug Days have been good: several new people, many
  old bugs closed. gnome-bugsquad gnome org is pretty active
  with planning and plotting and bug-bashing. Bug Days are
  on Thursdays, 1400 GMT for 12 hours (0100 AEST, 0900 EST,
  1500 CET -- now you have no excuse not to know) and centre on
  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ and irc.gnome.org, #bugs. 

  * Build sheriff needed

  Dan Mills (<v_thunder> on IRC) has been doing this on an
  unofficial basis. He hasn't been reverting commits that break
  things, but he has been mailing module maintainers when the build

  * GNOME Powertools: how it fits in

  Jeff had a bright idea and announced GNOME Powertools:
  This confused some people on the release team, so to clarify:
  ie, it's not a release-team thing. It's a Jeff-thing. Without his
  release-team hat on :) 

  * Developer platform

  They don't get released as a bundled set at the moment, but
  there are a pile of developer applications which are out there
  for GNOME 2. Examples: Glade, (and glade--), memprof, ghex, 
  devhelp, undoubtedly more...

  devhelp   http://devhelp.codefactory.se/
  ghex      ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/2.0.1/sources/ghex/
  Glade--   http://home.wtal.de/petig/Gtk/
  memprof   ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/2.0.1/sources/memprof/

  No-one seems to know about them. Should we perhaps bundle them
  and the others all together and release a "Developer Platform"? 

 * Proposed modules

  The release notes for 2.1.1 listed modules which have been
  proposed as additions to what was shipped in 2.0.x. These
  include some fairly small apps and some fairly large ones,
  and some "depend on nothing" and some "depend on quite big
  things". Discussed these on the phone. We anticipate most
  discussion on desktop-devel-list.

  * fontconfig/Xft2 requirements

  fontconfig and Xft2 are not yet shipped with XFree86. They
  are available from XFree86 CVS or in the fcpackage tarball
  available from http://fontconfig.org/. They will eventually
  be shipped as part of XFree86-4.3 next year. 

  GNOME packages have started to require fontconfig and XFt2:
  particularly pango, libgnomecanvas. You can build current 
  pango without fontconfig, but then when you build other things 
  further down the list  happens then..?)

  You can add fontconfig and Xft2 to a box running XFree86 4.1 or
  4.2 quite happily. If you are using a proprietary version of X
  though, it gets more complicated. This probably includes Solaris,
  HPUX and IRIX. 

Minutes for Gnome 2 release team meeting 2002-11-06

Present:		Apologies:		Absent

Frederic Crozat         Karl Gaffney            Luis Villa
Glynn Foster            Jeff Waugh
Jody Goldberg
Telsa Gwynne
Mikael Hallendal

* Note: There was talk of postponing the meeting due to multiple
expected absences: Luis didn't find out it was on as a result.


  PENDING: Jeff to install analog or webalyser on the box hosting dotplan
  so we know what people are looking for/at/over.
  => gnome-sysadmin is snowed under. Jeff will do it.

  PENDING: Jeff to create check-list of "things to do before major
  release" and maintain it so it's ready for 2.2.0.
  => Jeff to post his list to the release-team list and then we can
  whack it into CVS or somewhere where everyone can see it. 

  PENDING: Mikael to prioritise API docs needed
  Since FIXME is at 6%, this is clearly something needing doing :)

  PENDING: Jeff to summarise the expected feature lists for 2.2 we
  have so far in RSN (Not the best name for it, "Real Soon Now" is
  our "what's going on; you are here" email to desktop-devel-list). 

  PENDING: Jeff to ensure clear directions for Xft2 are in GNOME 2.1.x
  release notes. 

  PENDING: When 2.1.2 comes out, ensure the "likely to be final" list 
  of apps on it is waved at people in usability, i18n, docs and QA so 
  that they know exactly what's on the cards for 2.2. Also mail
  desktop-devel-list for discussion of this. 

  PENDING: Telsa to start posting action item reminders at the weekend
  rather than five minutes before the meeting...
  => Did this: didn't seem to help much :) 

Decisions and discussion:

  * 2.1.2

  Jeff sent his apologies for the meeting (no phone!) but is doing
  the 2.1.2 notes whilst we're in the meeting as penance. 

  It ended up late. Cunning plan to avoid this in future. See below.

  * Bug status

  Bug Days are still on Thursdays, 1400 GMT for 12 hours (0100 AEST, 
  0900 EST, 1500 CET, etc) and based around http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ 
  and irc.gnome.org, #bugs. Last one was specifically on Nautilus and
  was extremely successful: see the thread following this post for details:
  There are some changes coming up in Bugzilla keywords too:

  * Fifth Toe

  Will Lashell and Bastien Nocera had a huge response to their list of 
  apps they thought of including in Fifth Toe and are wading happily 
  through them.

  (and many follow-ups)

  * Change in due dates for tarballs

  Jeff wants to change the due dates for tarballs to Mondays rather
  than Fridays: they all end up coming out on Mondays anyway. We shall
  do this. (Need to update http://developer.gnome.org/dotplan/

  * Regrets in advance

  Luis can't make next week (speaking at MIT -- cor :))


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