Re: MergeLog.awk

* [ Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>
* Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:40:54 +0100 ]
> I only find a little problem (from the output you sent me, since I can't
> get that out from the awk code :-), which is it prepends:
> ./directory/filename:
> to the filenames. Could you have it remove the ./ prefix?


	Just changed one line.

	count = 1;
	separator = "##%%##";

/^[12]/ {
	dirname = FILENAME;
	if (gsub ("/ChangeLog$", "/", dirname) == 0){
		dirname = ""; # For executing in just one dir.	

	gsub ("^\\./", "", dirname);
	idx_entry = $0 dirname ;

	if (length(entry[idx_entry]) != 0){
	# Somebody has to entries with same name, same date,... in the same
	# directory.
		old_content = entry[last_entry];
		entry[last_entry] = old_content separator $0;
	} else {
		_index[count] = idx_entry;
		last_entry = idx_entry;
		entry[idx_entry] = $0;
		dirs[idx_entry] = dirname;

! /^[12]/{
	old_content = entry[last_entry];
	entry[last_entry] = old_content separator $0;

	for (i=count - 1; i>0; i--){
		idx = _index[i];
		final = split (entry[idx], lines, separator);
		subst_str = "\t* " dirs[idx];
		last_line_length = 0;
		for (k=1; k <= final; k++) {
			gsub ("^\t\\*( )+", subst_str, lines[k]);
			print lines[k];
			last_line_length  = length (lines[k]);

		# Add a blank line between entries that doesn't have one
		if (last_line_length != 0) print "";

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