Re: Printing a Gnome canvas (2nd episode)

On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:07:05PM -0600, Chema Celorio wrote:
> The best place to develop this code is outside of any of the current
> libraries, libgnomecanvasprint or something, I don't see a reason to
I'd recomend the foocanvas module.  It is being autoimported into
gnumeric and eel (nautilus) now and has exactly the same layout and
api as the primary canvas.  It would be a good place area to work on
this in a way that could easily be pulled into major apps.

Frankly I have my doubts about the feasibility of using the same
code to print and draw.  In Gnumeric I had to do a fair amount of
careful work to handle the different coordinate systems.

    X coordinates are integer lines starting at the pixel specified.

    PS coordinates are for an infinitely thin line centered at the
    point specified.

without this the borders looked funky.

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