Re: Advice needed on windowmanager configuration with gnome 2

Will LaShell <will lashell net> writes:
> So I just discovered, that with the coming of GNOME2, we will be losing
> the ability to use a desktop with viewports arranged in a grid. I don't
> want to really debate whether or not this feature regression is right.
> I'm going to assume that it was talked about and decided somewhere.

You're confused about the usual thing, which is you are confusing
"can be arranged in a grid" with "viewports"
> The current setup uses Xfree86 on dual monitor machines with gnome 1.x,
> sawfish with a viewport  virtual desktop using 5 columns and 3 rows.
> like so:
> --------------------------
> |    |    |    |    |    |
> --------------------------
> |    |    |    |    |    |
> --------------------------
> |    |    |    |    |    |
> --------------------------

Right click on the workspace switcher applet, set it to 3 rows and 15
> everyone that looked at the system today were immediately asking how
> they were going to configure their system so that they can easily get to
> any desktop without a great deal of hand movement, ( right now the only
> keys they need are alt+arrows to reach anything ) and without having to
> cross a large amount of windows/desktops.

We don't have any way to set up alt+arrows right now, but it's easy to
add. But this doesn't mean you want viewports, it means you want
keyboard shortcuts that move between workspaces according to how they
are layed out visually in the workspace switcher. So someone just
needs to implement these keybindings. Not a big deal, but be sure a
bug is open in bugzilla.


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