Re: New GNOME Sample Application

On Thu, 2002-04-11 at 18:11, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Hi all,
> At GUADEC and on IRC, new developers have raised the lack of example code as
> a frustrating annoyance when attempting to start hacking on GNOME.
> gnome-hello has served us well in the past - when GNOME was a bit less
> complicated - but we need a new sample application that demonstrates "GNOME
> Best Practices" (haw haw) with build tools, i18n, library use, a11y,
> compliancy with the various styleguides, documentation, etc. Something we
> can point new developers to that is reasonably small, well-written, and
> actually useful.

gnome-hello should be able to demo most things anyway, with less
distraction. If gedit isn't kosher, then it should be. Isn't that a
separate issue?

I'd guess that gedit has other code that might distract people. If it's
going to be an example, then there will need to at least be some docs
pointing people to certain parts of the code to see how to do certain

gnome-hello isn't meant to be exciting - It's meant to be simple.
Actually it should be even simpler. The multiple application instances
stuff is a distraction.

And what's broken about gnome-hello now anyway, apart from the sgml docs
errors that you currently get when building it? 

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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