New GNOME Sample Application

Hi all,

At GUADEC and on IRC, new developers have raised the lack of example code as
a frustrating annoyance when attempting to start hacking on GNOME.

gnome-hello has served us well in the past - when GNOME was a bit less
complicated - but we need a new sample application that demonstrates "GNOME
Best Practices" (haw haw) with build tools, i18n, library use, a11y,
compliancy with the various styleguides, documentation, etc. Something we
can point new developers to that is reasonably small, well-written, and
actually useful.

With only a small amount of work, gedit will be an excellent candidate.
There are a few things that need cleaning up from a HIG perspective, and
possibly some code cleanups, but Paolo thinks it would be cool, and the HCI
dudes will surely help out. gedit is included in the desktop release,
everyone knows it, and it's an uncomplicated but useful app.

If everyone's cool with gedit, I'll baby the gedit bugs for a while, and
gather input from the usability, i18n and docs teams to work out what
remains to be done to make gedit our cleanest and best app to show off in
developer docs.

Any other recommendations for the sample app are welcome before we start. :)

- Jeff

    "...and did you know that Twisties have real cheese in them?" - Dave    
        "I didn't even think they had real twists in them!" - Andrew        

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