top 10 bugs [was Re: GtkHtml 1, 2 and 1->2]

Note that my other email preceded this one hitting my inbox... we're on
the same wavelength, I think.

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 16:35, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> BTW, Luis - this is the kind of bug I think Owen meant when he was
> talking about having a "top 10 bugs" list - basically, bugs that block
> feature completeness in such a way that we aren't really getting the
> code out there for testing, and worse, prevent us from doing
> cross-module integration work - so we aren't seeing interactions
> between help and specific apps, or seeing which apps are missing help.
> Once we have that kind of feature completeness down, the next tier of
> priority would be "crash/whatever that makes the desktop unusable"
> and "API/interface/schema issues" that can't be changed post-release.
> It'd be nice to highlight showstoppers like the help issues in some
> way, maybe on a weekly basis. The list of highlighted bugs needs to be
> short though, 10 not 100.

It sort of appears we need two separate lists, perhaps. There are two
different target audiences we need to look at: 

*'real developers' who can do 'real work'- bugs like the libgnomeui one.
*'intro to gnome' type developers- people who want to solve 'real bugs'
but aren't conversant with the system yet. These are people who might be
able to implement help in specific apps, but not solve the overall

In the BOF, we'd talked about catering to the second group, mainly, by
highlighting bugs (like the list I sent out in the last email) that they
could solve and then use as a gateway drug^W into becoming Real Hackers.

But... if we really need to harass more actively about bugs like the
libgnomeui stuff, then we could definitely do another, different list,
more for, say, gnome-hackers instead of gnome-love. Luckily, that list
would be fairly short- there really aren't many of those type of bugs
left, unless there are some lurking deep in libraries with no
user-visible impacts visible yet. This help thing was far and away the


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