Re: gnome-vfs 1.0.1 is available

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 08:48:48PM -0700, Ian McKellar wrote:
> On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 06:06:34PM -0400, jacob berkman wrote:
> > On 08 May 2001 09:26:02 -0700, Darin Adler wrote:
> > > A new release of the gnome-vfs virtual file system library is available.
> > 
> > is the gnome-vfs api documented yet?
> I've just spent a couple of hours messing with gtkdoc. Now it builds docs
> for all of the GnomeVFS apis. There is gtkdoc for most of it (well, most of
> the important/interesting bits). What needs to be done is to indicate what
> bits are public apis for apps and which bits are apis for modules. As Darin
> said, we would welcome help with documenting the APIs.

	Do you have a pointer to the output somewheres for a quick look?
One of the things I've noticed about gtkdoc generated stuff is that 90%
of it is just prototype reiteration.  No documentation of what things
actually do.  OTOH, Sun's javadoc for the standard API is pretty much
'learn from the reference'.  Some of that is surely the OO-nature of
Java, but other of it is the fact that 'parsing the prototypes' !=
'actual documentation'



"I'm so tired of being tired,
 Sure as night will follow day.
 Most things I worry about
 Never happen anyway."
			jlbec evilplan org

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