Re: Minimum specs, "funky" defaults, and old machinery

Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir ximian com> writes:

> The Eazel recommendations sound mostly sane to me, especially the "64MB
> preferred" part -- I'd probably list it as "64MB preferred (32MB
> minimum)" instead of the other way around.  I'm confused about the hard
> disk space section; is it saying that 60MB is a minimum for GNOME?  Or
> 300MB?  Or is that to build?  I'm not exactly sure what the minimum hard
> disk usages are...

My current GNOME 2 build tree, that's basically just gnome-libs and its
dependencies, but no applications at all. However, I enabled maximum
debugging and I'm compiling both shared and static libraries.

(actually, this is glib pango gtk+ gnome-common gnome-xml ORBit oaf gconf
xml-i18n-tools gnome-vfs libart_lgpl gnome-libs libgtop guile-gtk)

$ du -sk /gnome/head/INSTALL/    
155424	/gnome/head/INSTALL

To compile this stuff (including object files etc.).

$ du -sk /gnome/head/cvs/
795696	/gnome/head/cvs

My current stable tree, that's with Nautilus, but without Evolution:
(glib libunicode gtk+ ORBit gob gnome-xml libgtop oaf gnet gnome-http gconf
imlib gnome-libs gdk-pixbuf gnome-print xml-i18n-tools bonobo control-center
libglade gnome-vfs gal glibwww2 gtkhtml gnome-core gnome-applets bonobo-conf
eog medusa nautilus libole2 gnumeric gtop)

$ du -sk /gnome/unstable/INSTALL/
387220	/gnome/unstable/INSTALL

To compile this stuff

$ du -sk /gnome/unstable/cvs/
1351144	/gnome/unstable/cvs

All in total:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1              1013871    555861    405634  58% /
/dev/sdb3              3687940   1817540   1683060  52% /usr
/dev/md0               7928232   4126592   3398904  55% /gnome
/dev/hda2             24509976   6236572  17028368  27% /home
/dev/hda1              5116504   2665288   2451216  53% /sidney

I'm not saying this is a reasonable minimum, I'm a core GNOME hacker and I
have a lot of stuff on my machine. So you better see it as a reasonable
maximum (unless you're compiling both Nautilus and Evolution) than a minimum.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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