Getting Bugzilla support into Bug-buddy

Maciej Stachowiak <mjs eazel com> writes:

> Alan Cox <alan redhat com> writes:
> > Martin Baulig <martin home-of-linux org> was very frustrated this morning
> > and posted this to gnome-private:
> >
> > > 4.) Bugzilla's email interface doesn't seem to be needed and/or wanted to
> > >     me; in the 1.5 weeks that are now passed since I wrote it, I received
> > >     mails from just two (!) people asking me how to use it.
> > 
> > Then we need to stop the gnome 1.4 release until bugbuddy is adapted to
> > the new state of affairs.
> That actually sounds like a really good plan. Jacob, are yopu planning
> to change this? Would you take patches from someone else to do it?

Ok, to get things a bit more constructive, let's move this discussion on
gnome-hackers and get things going.

First of all, bug-buddy needs to use the current product/component list and
the current configuration from Bugzilla instead of a compiled-in one. This
stuff is at

To do it perfect, each bug-buddy release tarball should contain a copy of
these files, store it somewhere and ask the user on startup whether he wants
to update it. This way bug-buddy will have an up-to-date product/component
list but still work for people without network connection.

As a first step, it'd be already enough if bug-buddy could reject all bugs
for packages like Evolution, Nautilus, Abiword and all "general" stuff (*).

(*) You must not submit any bugs for package "general" via email.
    You should go to Bugzilla instead and pick a product which matches best,
    for instance we could have things like "GNOME Desktop", "User Interface",
    "Look&Feel" etc.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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