Re: GNOME CVS: gnome-core mmclouglin

> I don't see what huge amounts of superflous information CORBA the protocol
> passes around that qualifies it as a 'whale'. Sure it would rule to be
> able to trasmit data (in this case, method invocation requests) without
> using any actual bandwidth, but there's this evil 'Physics' thing that
> keeps us from doing that.

Whats the end to end latency of the corba message transfer. Now how does
that compare to say sunrpc, plan 9, and other saner setups.

It isnt about bandwidth, bandwidth is free. Corba (and bonobo was bad at this
I dont know if its fixed) is bad at

	o	Message parsing performance (hard to parse at raw memory speed)
	o	Message validation complexity (hard to be secure)
	o	Number of round trips (latency problem)
	o	Inability to parallelise well (can't hide latency on
		parallel invocations)

Think about a 10 by 10 spreadsheet containing remotely invoked objects in
each cell. Latency is your big enemy and unlike bandwidth Einstein says you
can't have any improvement.

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