Re: Replacing Squishdot

<quote who="Christian Schaller">

> I was just wondering if there are someone who has great objections to
> replacing squishdot in Gnotices?

Hey Christian,

There was some consternation about this last time it came up (very early on
in gnome-web-list "history"), mostly because there was interest in keeping
the data, and work being done to replace the then crusty squishdot with a
newer one.

Whilst using an existing system would be preferable, perhaps a very simple
system that met our needs across a number of GNOME sites could be
implemented. I've been working on a similar thing for the Nautilus site
(though I've decided to cool that off for a bit, and just get something
static up for now), so we should chat. :)

- Jeff

             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.             

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