The Future of Bug Buddy

Hi kids.

So, I'm in the middle or so of the infamous bug buddy rewrite, and am
yearning for a bit of feedback from y'all, being the GNOME maintainers
and what not.

(throughout this, "package" will denote a binary package, such as
gnome-panel or libgtk-1.2, and "module" will denote a source tarball
name, such as gnome-core or gtk+)

Bug Buddy will be using libredcarpet.  This allows it to do some much
nicer things, such as list the version of everything something depends
on, rather than the per-BTS setting it currently uses. This means that
gnumeric bug reports will include the version of gal, gnome-print,
bonobo (if compiled in) etc.

Since some people are still using GNOME from sources rather than
packages, bug buddy should work around this nicely.  What I am
thinking of doing is having every module supply a bug buddy file which
includes things like the list of binaries it provides, a list of
things to check for, and where the email should be sent.  Also, a
mapping of which packages come from the module would be provided,
since bug buddy needs to know that and I haven't thought of anywhere
else it could get this.

So, does this sound reasonable to people?  Does anyone have better
ideas?  I know y'all have an opinion.  You can't hide.

"I've got nothing to say but that's ok." -- John Lennon

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