Re: GNOME-hackers-readonly mailing list closing down

On ศ., 2006-03-17 at 08:19 +0700, Ross Golder wrote:
> Since the policy for the GNOME-hackers list changed a few years ago,
> this list has not really been necessary. Nowadays, it just seems to be
> another redundant list with a request queue for the moderator team with
> a to keep clearing spam out of. So, we're gonna shut it down. Now.

OK, I didn't fully understand what I'd taken on when I posted this, so
it seems I should probably explain how it is set up.

The 'gnome-hackers' list is a list with two recipients -
'gnome-hackers-readonly' and 'gnome-private-members'. There is a short
list of sender addresses that are allowed to post to the list, but the
real membership is held in the 'gnome-hackers-readonly' list (and the
'gnome-private-members' list).

Also, 'gnome-private' is just a list with one recipient -
'gnome-private-members'. Again, there is a short list of allowed sender
addresses, but the real membership is actually in the
'gnome-private-members' list.

> I will be removing the list shortly. If any of you reading this are not
> already subscribed to 'gnome-hackers gnome org', you can do sign up
> here:

Actually, it seems to me that the simplest thing to do would be to copy
the gnome-private-members membership to gnome-private and to
gnome-hackers, and to copy the gnome-hackers-readonly membership to

We then need to make sure the lists are set to allow members to post,
and then the '-readonly' and '-members' lists are truly redundant, and
the 'gnome-hackers' and 'gnome-private' lists will behave more like
normal mailman lists. Hopefully, this should make things a little more
'normal' and less complicated for our moderators and sysadmins :)

Can anyone see any problems with this?


gnome-hackers mailing list
gnome-hackers gnome org

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