RE: 2.4 Module List - zenity

> From: Glynn Foster [mailto:glynn foster sun com] 
> > But, Glynn, are you prepared to at least rename zenity or 
> it's executable to
> > something less cryptic? e.g. "gnome-shell-dialogs" or 
> something more snappy.
> > At the moment, I think it will be
> > a) Hard for people to know that they can use dialogs in 
> their scripts.
> > b) Hard for people to understand scripts that use dialogs.
> Sure, whatever. Someone just suggest a good name.

I really don't think gnome-shell-dialogs is that bad a name. "gdialog2"
would still be better than "zenity".

Which brings us to another important point. How do you plan to version this
API? In GNOME3, when zenity has changed its API, will people have to use
zenity2 instead, or will all scripts need to be rewritten for the new API?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 
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