Re: Minutes of Gnome 2 release team meeting (late): 2002-05-17

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 02:36:12PM -0400, Jody Goldberg wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 01:05:52AM +0200, Mikael Hallendal wrote:
> > tis 2002-05-28 klockan 00.43 skrev Malcolm Tredinnick:
> > > Here's what I have jotted down in my "how to sanity check a GNOME 2
> > > setup" folder (and before anybody asks, yes I am putting it in a
> > > document and yes I will put it in CVS when it's done). These are things
> > > that can be done from a shell script, so you can probably modify as
> > > appropriate for inside Yelp.
> >  
> > Heh, if all of this has to be done something is wrong (you also have to care
> > about the fact that the user might very well have the xmlcatalog file in
> > his $HOME). So just checking /etc/xml/catalog will not be enough.
> This is exactly the sort of thing that I'd like to hear more about.
> There is obviously going to be debate on how we solve the problem,
> but can someone with the know how please make a list of the steps
> necessary to test the setup ?  Sander you and I were going to look
> into this.

There are 4 requirements you need to have a running doc system.

1) You have the DocBook DTD V4.1.2 installed on your system.
2) You have the XSL stylesheets V1.48 installed on your system.
3) You have a XML catalog.
4) You have the stylesheets and DocBook DTD registered in the XML catalog.

You should be able to check these 4 requirements through use of libxml2 and 
some simple scripts.

Eric Baudais
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