G2RT meeting minutes for 2002/03/22

Minutes of the GNOME 2.0 Release Team Meeting - 2002/03/22

Present:			Regrets/Absent:
========                        ===============

Calum Benson			John Fleck
Karl Gaffney			Jamin Gray
Jody Goldberg			Luis Villa
Telsa Gwynne (minutes)
Michael Meeks			Greg Leblanc
Sander Vesik			Kjarten Maraas
Jeff Waugh (chair)		Seth Nickell

Previous actions:

Didn't have prior minutes to hand: gah!

New actions:

  NEW: Greg to chase upo Dermot's application for an account and
  either make one or provide "how to do this without account" info:
  (See discussion below.)

  NEW: Jeff to LART Havoc and Mark! Or at least to ask for documentation
  on the schema naming systems.

  NEW: Jeff to remind hackers that beta3 packages are due on Monday. 

Decisions and discussions:

Dermot at Sun wants access to the bugzilla box. Sun already have
a database of bugs and issues. They want to be able to import the
bugzilla database too so that they can use scripts and so on to
combine them and correlate them and so on. Presumably Dermot needs
an account on the bugzilla box to get this. 

On desktop-devel-list, Havoc mentioned that schemas should not have
hyphens in their names but instead underscores. Mark went and tidied
up things in CVS to match this. Everyone's panel configuration broke.
The underscores rather than hyphens thing isn't documented anywhere
obvious (or is it?). Reverting the change would just mean everyone's
panels break again: ensuring information about naming schemes is
somewhere everyone knows about would be much more productive and
should avoid this happening again in the future.

Jody has a new capplet for accessibility stuff which he sent to
the release-team list. John and Kjarten were not here but barring 
docs/i18n issues, we are going to approve it. Jody noted that
whilst many of the option names are very cryptic to non-hackers,
he has put very very long tooltips explaining the options there.
And he would love a better icon.

Telsa wanted reassurance that the mirroring situation has improved
from the bygone days where over-precipitate announcements resulted 
in hammering of main site and no-one using mirrors. Telsa was duly 
reassured: these days, Things Are Better(tm).

Sun are seeing a fair few Solaris-specific bugs still, and bugs in
keynav and in the panel, but Nautilus is behaving much better now.


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