Re: Help accessibility [Was: New look of the yelp TOC for review]

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Bill Haneman">
> > Accessibility guidelines (read, legal stuff) requires that the user not
> > have to apply accessibility styles in several places; the user who needs
> > accessible styles should be able to do it with one stop:
> Okay, but I still don't understand the link between GTK+ theme and the help
> document stylesheets if they're already designed to be accessible. I'd hope
> that we only have one stylesheet for our documentation, and that it be a11y
> happy from the start.

Because "accessible" for one person might not be for another? high 
contrast (well, ok, thats the default) stylesheet won't work for people
needing low contrast. The same for not getting a "large font" effect when
rendering documentation.

> Why would we need to theme documentation?

You don't you merely need to have differently customised docbook xsl

> - Jeff
> -- 
>                       My VHS is better than your VHS.                       


	I see a dark sail on the horizon
	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding

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