[gnome.cvs-commits] A new super-cool loginfo script

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Hi guys,

if you're reading cvs-commits-list to track commits to your
modules, you may soon find out that it now sucks a lot less
than it did before :-)

This afternoon, I replaced our good old newlog.pl with a new
martin-log.pl which has 4 new features:

* if two people are committing at the same time, their log
  messages won't be screwed up anymore.

* if you're committing to several modules at once, the script
  will send one log message per module to cvs-commits-list
  (previously the log message was assigned to the last module
   and all file and directory names in it were screwed up).

* there's a "X-CVS-Module: <modulename>" header in the mail

* since we're getting more and more translations and most
  developers are only interested in actual commits to their
  modules which are not only translations, there's a new
  "cvssilent" feature.

  There's a file called CVSROOT/cvssilent which contains some
  perl regexps. A commit is considered silent unless it contains
  a least one file which does not match any of these regexps.

  If a commit is silent, a "X-CVS-Silent: yes" header is inserted
  in the cvs-commits-list mail (but it'll not suppress this mail).

If there are any problems with the new scripts or you have any
feature suggestions, just let me know ....

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

cvs-commits-list mailing list
cvs-commits-list gnome org

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Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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