from the We Aim To Please department

Hi everyone,

As of this morning, Nautilus bugzilla has reached an alarming new low of
only 2285 open bug for a total of just 15236 hrs of work remaining.  As
you can imagine, we're concerned that we're going to run out of things
to do over the next few days.

So we need your help.  Now that you've had a few days to check out
Nautilus 1.0, we would really appreciate it if you could take a moment
to write down your top concerns, pet pieves, needed fixes, performance
improvements we should focus on etc.  Based on your feedback, I will
compile a list of the Top 10 Most Requested Features and Fixes for
Nautilus.  We'll then post that list on our web site and keep you
informed on what we're going to do about these requests. NOTE that we're
not promising that those will become our only priorities, but we'll be
transparent with you in terms of letting you know what our priorities
are, and we're going to work hard to make sure that Nautilus works for
YOU, our users!

We really want to make sure that the upcoming releases of Nautilus will
meet your needs - so even if you've already filed bug reports, flamed us
on IRC, talked to your dog about this etc, it'd be awesome if you could
voice your grievances, concerns, requests etc, yet again.

Please send your comments to gimme lists eazel com - I don't want to
start a thread here that doesn't belong on gnome-hackers.  This is a
Mailman list.  The archive is at
(check out Miguel and JRB's posts there for a sample of the sort of
stuff we're looking for),



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